Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Escorial, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo, ár. 915

[Colour scanned images of the textblock.]
Incomplete single work: Arabic.  Date:

completed on Friday, 4 September 1314 of the Spanish era (ad 1276) (147r).


unknown, probably al-Andalus; unknown scribe.


statement of donation dated 1577 from the Spanish orientalist Arias Montano (d. 1598) in exchange for a volume of the Four Gospels (1r).

Cod.: paper, I+148 ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil on every fifth or tenth recto, with only three folios between ‘120’ and ‘125’ [we will assume that ‘121’ was skipped]; foliated in reverse order from ‘1’ to ‘148’ at the right top of versos, skipping ‘29’; f. 38 (in the reverse order: ‘112’) is said by a glued-in note to be missing from the manuscript; no catchwords). One clear andalusī hand in black, or possibly two very similar hands, in Books XI–XIII slightly smaller and flatter than in Books VII–X. Almost fully dotted ductus; occasional vowels, hardly any shaddas or hamzas. Centered book headings in bold black; chapter headings in bold black; initial words of some new sections in red; some abjad notation with overlines in red. Substantial diagrams in black with geometrical points in red; tables in black and red. Codex in acceptable condition; substantial moisture stains, mold stains, slightly worm-eaten; the first seven folios are strongly damaged with areas next to the upper outer corner torn off, although the text is not affected. Dimensions: 272×235 mm; 19 lines per page.

Cont.: astronomy. — Index: title page (Iv); Ptolemaica (1v–148r); Blank: 36v–37v, 53v, 122r, 147v, 148v.

Bibl.: Miguel Casiri, Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis sive Librorum omnium Mss. quos Arabicè ab auctoribus magnam partem Arabo-Hispanis compositos Bibliotheca Coenobii Escurialensis complectitur, recensio & explanatio, 2 vols, Madrid: Antonius Perez de Soto, 1760–1770, vol. I, p. 348 (no. cmx); Hartwig Derenbourg and H.-P.-J. Renaud, Les manuscrits arabes de l’Escurial. Tome II. — fascicule 3: Sciences exactes et sciences occultes, Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1941, p. 14; Paul Kunitzsch, Der Almagest. Die Syntaxis Mathematica des Claudius Ptolemäus in arabisch-lateinischer Überlieferung, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1974, pp. 44–45; Paul Kunitzsch, Claudius Ptolemäus. Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, 3 vols, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986–1991, vol. I, p. 12.


\1v\ في حساب حركة هذه الكواكب في العرض. فإذا كانت هذه الأشياء على ما وصفنا فإن الطريق الذي نسلكه في حساب حركة هذه الكواكب الخمسة في العرض هو على ما أنا واصفه. أما الكواكب الثلثة أعني زحل والمشتري والمريخ فإنا ندخل〈…〉ـول المعدل إلى أعداد جدول الكوكب الذي له خاصة؛ أما لكوكب المريخ فذلك العدد المعدل نفسه — \147r\ فإذ قد استتممنا هذه المعاني أيضا يا سوري فاستكملنا جميع ما نحتاج إليه في أن نرشد إلى علمه في هذا الكتاب بقدر علمي ومبلغ رأي إلا الشاذ منها بقدر ما أعاننا عليه الزمان الذي تناها إلينا على وجوده ما نحتاج إلى وجوده من ذلك أو تقويم ما نحتاج إلى تقديمه وتصحيحه منه وبقدر ما يكون ما دوناه منه نافعا فقط في هذا العلم من غير أن نلتمس به التكبر والافتخار فقد يلحق ويحسن أن يجعل هذا آخر الكتاب. تمت المقالة الثالثة عشر من كتاب بطلميوس المنسوب إلى التعاليم وهو يا قولًا.

= Ptolemy, al-Majisṭī (tr. Isḥāq b. Ḥunayn/Thābit b. Qurra) (A.1.2)

. — Title: Kitāb Baṭlamyūs al-mansūb ilā l-taʿālīm (147r). — Additional title: al-Maqāla al-thāmina maʿa shayʾ min al-maqāla al-sābiʿa min Kitāb Baṭlamyūs al-mansūb ilā l-taʿālīm maʿa l-maqāla al-tāsiʿa wa-l-ʿāshira wa-l-ḥādī ʿāshira wa-l-thānī ʿāshira wa-l-thālith ʿāshira (Iar). — Index: chapters XIII.6–7, 1v–2v; XIII.4, 3r–4v; XIII.4, 5r–7v; VII.3–5, 8r–15v; VII.5, 16r–20v; VIII.1–4, 21r–35v; XI.10–11, 36r–37v; X.1–3, 39r–42v; XI.12, 43r–v; XII.1, 44r–47v; IX.10–11, 48r–49v; X.3–4, 50r–51v; VII.3, 52r–v; XI.1, 53r–56v; XI.1, 57r–60v; XII.1–5, 61r–70v; X.4–7, 71r–78v; IX.2–3, 79r–v; IX.6–7, 80r–v; X.4, 81r–v; XII.6–9, 82r–89v; VIII.4–6, 90r–94v; IX.1–2, 95r–97v; XI.1, 98r–v; X.7, 99r–v; X.9–10, 100r–v; XI.1, 101r–v; XIII.4, 102r–109v; VIII.4, 110r–v; IX.6, 111r–v; X.7–9, 112r–117v; XIII.3–4, 118r–v; XII.9–10, 119r–122v; XIII.1–3, 123r–127v; X.7, 128r–v; X.7, 129r–v; XII.9, 130r–v; XI.2–5, 131r–138v; XIII.7, 139r–v; IX.3, 140r–141v; XIII.7–8, 142r–v; XIII.8, 143r–v; XIII.8, 144r–v; VII.3, 145r–v; XIII.8–11, 146r–147r; IX.4, 148r. — Acephalous, incomplete and badly in disorder. The manuscript, in its current state, contains Almagest VII.3–XIII.11, although there are sections and individual folios missing. In the above index, separations within a same book chapter, such as XIII.8, 141r–v, followed by XIII.8, 142r–v, indicate that the folios are not bound in the correct order even within this chapter. A preliminary tentative rearrangement would be: VII.3, 145r–v; VII.3, 52r–v; VII.3–5, 8r–15v; VII.5, 16r–20v; VIII.1–4, 21r–35v; VIII.4, 110r–v; VIII.4–6, 90r–94v; IX.1–2, 95r–97v; IX.2–3, 79r–v; IX.3, 140r–141v; IX.4, 148r; IX.6, 111r–v; IX.6–7, 80r–v; IX.10–11, 48r–49v; X.1–3, 39r–42v; X.3–4, 50r–51v; X.4, 81r–v; X.4–7, 71r–78v; X.7, 129r–v; X.7, 128r–v; X.7, 99r–v; X.7–9, 112r–117v; X.9–10, 100r–v; XI.1, 53r–56v; XI.1, 98r–v; XI.1, 101r–v; XI.1, 57r–60v; XI.2–5, 131r–138v; XI.10–11, 36r–37v; XI.12, 43r–v; XII.1, 44r–47v; XII.1–5, 61r–70v; XII.6–9, 82r–89v; XII.9, 130r–v; XII.9–10, 119r–122v; XIII.1–3, 123r–127v; XIII.3–4, 118r–v; XIII.4, 102r–109v; XIII.4, 5r–7v; XIII.4, 3r–4v; XIII.6-7, 1v–2v; XIII.7, 139r–v; XIII.7–8, 142r–v; XIII.8, 144r–v; XIII.8, 143r–v; XIII.8–11, 146r–147r. Except for the star catalogue, all tables are skipped or left blank. A pasted folio with two diagrams on f. 88. Minor marginal corrections and more frequent collations by the scribe. Few glosses. A gloss copied from an eastern manuscript comparing the Arabic text with the Greek (8r). Marginalia in a different hand (69r, 116v, 147r). A diagram redrawn to correct a previous one (100r).