Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Escorial, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo, ár. 916

[Colour scanned images of the textblock of the Ptolemaic work, black-and-white scans of the remainder.]
Collection: Arabic.  Date:

second work completed in late Rabīʿ al-thānī 998/early March 1590 (181v).


unknown, probably Morocco; three different unknown scribes.


a statement of ownership indicating that the manuscript was part of the books of the servant of God Zaydān (Zīdān) Amīr al-Muʾminīn, and a side note indicating that the book belonged to Amīr al-Muʾminīn b. Amīr al-Muʾminīn b. Amīr al-Muʾminīn b. Amīr al-Muʾminīn (1r); thus, the manuscript was part of the library of Muley Zīdān (d. 1037/1627), which was captured in 1612 and which enlarged the holdings of the Escorial. Old shelfmarks: ‘VH39’, ‘39’, ‘num. 15’ (1r).

Cod.: paper, II+265 ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals, skipping ‘5’ and ‘12’; no catchwords). Three maghribī hands. The first one (1v–129v, the Ptolemaic work) is a small hand with fully dotted ductus, fully vocalized headings and occasional vowels, hamzas, and shaddas in the body text; book and chapter headings in red; the words qāla Baṭlamyūs frequently in bold red and the words qāla l-mufassir frequently in bold blue, although occasionally these are also found in bold black. The second and slightly bigger hand (130v–181v) has a fully dotted ductus, frequent vowels, hamzas and shaddas; words introducing new sections in bold. The third and biggest hand (182v–267v) has a fully dotted ductus, frequent vowels, and occasional hamzas and shaddas; headings and words introducing new sections in bold naskh or thuluth. Minor tables and horoscopes. Codex in excellent condition; some mold stains. Dimensions: 285×205 mm; 32 (1v–129v), 26 (130v–181v), and 25 (182v–267v) lines per page.

Cont.: astrology. — Index: table of contents (1r); Ptolemaica (1v–129v); Ibn Qunfudh al-Qusanṭīnī, Sharḥ Urjūza Ibn Abī Rijāl (130v–181v); Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. ʿAbd Allāh b. Haydūr, Kitāb al-Iʿtibārāt al-naẓariyya fī l-aḥkām al-nujūmiyya (182v–185r); Sayyid b. ʿAlī, Kitāb fī l-Qawāṭiʿ (185v–187v); Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Baqqār, Kitāb al-Amṭār wa-l-asʿār (187v–236v); Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Baqqār, Kitāb al-Adwār fī taysīr al-anwār (237v–264v); Ibn Farmīja, Ḥuṣūl al-maqāṣid wa-l-āmāl min al-ṭuraf wa-l-fawāʾid allātī tuʿlam min-hā madad al-wulāt wa-l-ʿumāl (264v–267v). Blank: 72v–73r, 93r, 130r, 182r, 237r.

Bibl.: Miguel Casiri, Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis sive Librorum omnium Mss. quos Arabicè ab auctoribus magnam partem Arabo-Hispanis compositos Bibliotheca Coenobii Escurialensis complectitur, recensio & explanatio, 2 vols, Madrid: Antonius Perez de Soto, 1760–1770, vol. I, p. 350 (no. cmxi); Hartwig Derenbourg and H.-P.-J. Renaud, Les manuscrits arabes de l’Escurial. Tome II. — fascicule 3: Sciences exactes et sciences occultes, Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1941, pp. 14–17.


\1v\ [book title] قال أبو الحسن علي بن رضوان بن علي الطبيب: قصدنا إلى شرح أقاويل بطلميوس في صناعة القضاء بالنجوم على الحوادث — \129v\ فهذا أشياء قد شرحتها لك فانعم الله النظر فيها وتأملها والله يهدي من يشاء إلى صراط مستقيم.

= ʿAlī b. Riḍwān, Tafsīr al-Maqālāt al-arbaʿ (C.2.3)

. — Title: Sharḥ ʿAlī b. Riḍwān li-Kitāb al-arbaʿ li-Baṭlamyūs (1r). — Additional titles: Tafsīr Abī l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Riḍwān b. ʿAlī b. Jaʿfar al-Ṭabīb li-Kitāb al-Arbaʿ maqālāt li-Baṭlamyūs (129v); Hasan Ali ben reduan giahfar opus quatripartitum de Astrologia Judiciaria (1r). — Index: Book I.1 (=I), 1v–17v; I.2 (=II), 17v–31r; I.3 (=III), 31r–42r; II.1 (=IV), 42r–52v; II.2 (=V), 52v–64r; II.3 (=VI), 64r–72r; III.1 (=VII), 72v–83r; III.2 (=VIII), 83r–92v; III.3 (=IX), 93v–104v; IV.1 (=X), 104v–114v; IV.2 (=XI), 114v–124r; IV.3 (=XII), 124r–129v. — The end of chapter III.2 and the beginning of chapter III.3 are missing. Undated scribal colophon. Minor marginal corrections by the scribe. No collations or glosses.