Cambridge, University Library, Eton Pote 264
992/1584-5 (title page) and Tuesday, 12 Dhū l-qaʿda 1131/26 September 1719 (colophon, 437r).
Or.:Fatehpur, India; the first codicological entity (1v–399v) copied by order of Sheikh … (?), the second entity (400r–437r) copied by Muḥammad ʿĀbid Abī ʿAbd al-Karīm, who is said to have been proficient in the mathematical sciences (1r, colophon on f. 437r).
Prov.:a seal and statement dated 1021/1612-3, another seal together with a note dated 1069/1658-9 (1r), some erased seals and smudged or faded notes (1r). The book was part of the library of Colonel Antoine-Louis Henri Polier (1741–1795) and was gifted Eton College by Edward Ephraim Pote (d. 1832) in 1788 (Fihrist). Old shelfmarks: ‘606’ (Polier) in Arabic numerals (front cover, fore-edge), ‘N. 264’ (1r), ‘Eton College Library 62’ (inside of back cover) and ‘Eton shelf 6/15’ (1r).
Cod.: paper, 437 ff. (unfoliated; catchwords, partially copied onto the pasted pieces of paper used for the restoration of the codex). Two entities in two different clear hands in black. First hand (1v–399v): naskh written with a thick-nibbed pen. Second hand (400r–437r): an elegant naskh tending to nastaʿlīq; mostly dotted ductus; hardly any shaddas, vowels and hamzas. Chapter headings in red, paragraphs partially indicated by red overlines. Figures and tables in red and black, sometimes trimmed in the margins. Dimensions: 25.3×15.7 cm, written area: 20×10.5 cm; 23–25 lines per page (no ruling). Codex in mediocre condition; several moisture stains (post-dating the restoration) and damage caused by insects; crude repairs with pasted paper strips in the margins and text, especially towards the end of the first part; binding becoming loose. Brown leather covers over paper pasteboards; blind-stamped medallion with pendants and floresque ornaments on front and back cover; doublures decorated with marble paper, orange endband. Type III binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: David S. Margoliouth, Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of Eton College, Oxford: Horace Hart, 1904, p. 12 (no. 62). —
\1v\ الحمد لله الذي جعلنا من المتفكّرين في خلق السموات والأرض وألهمنا طريق معرفة مقادير حركات الأجرام النيّرة في الطول والعرض — \437r\ والحمد للهأوّلًا وآخرًا وباطنًا وظاهرًا والصلوة والسلام على زبدة الليالي والأيّام محمّد سيّد الثقلين وخير الأنام وآله الأخيار العظام وشيعته الأبرار الكرام وقد فرغت من تحرير هذا الشرح وتسويده وتصحيحه بقدر الإمكان وتجويده ضحوة يوم السبت العاشر في أوائل ذو القعدة سنة إحدى وعشرين وتسعمائة من الهجرة النبوية وأنا العبد المفتقر إلى رحمة ربّ الثقلين عبد العلي بن محمّد بن حسين رقع السلوني ؟ الله روحه. م. م. = al-Birjandī, Sharḥ Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.42)
. — Title: al-Sharḥ li-l-Taḥrīr (2v). Index: preface, 1v–3r; Book I, 3r–81r; II, 81r–120v; III, 120v–161v; IV, 161v–187v; V, 187v–239r; VI, 239r–283v; VII, 283v–311r; 〈VIII〉, 311r–350r; IX, 350v–382v; X/XI, 382v–403r/393r–407r; XII, 407r–419r; XIII, 419r–437r. — Authorial colophon dated Saturday, 10 Dhū l-qaʿda 921/16 December 1515. Scribal colophon. Marginalia in different hands both on the original paper and on restorations, often indicated with siglum ‘12’ in Hindu-Arabic numerals; diagrams in the margins sometimes trimmed, few corrections in the hand of the scribe introduced by siglum ṣ or ṣḥ. |