Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Cambridge, University Library, Mm 6.27

[Colour scanned images of the textblock and covers.]
Collection of two works: Judaeo-Arabic.  Date:

undated; 9-10th/15-16th c. (Reif).


unknown; unknown scribe.


current shelf mark (1r, 11av, and on f. IIav with an ex-libris ‘Academiæ Cantabrigiensis Liber’).

Cod.: paper, I+206+11a+IIa ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals on the upper left of rectos, with f. 197v numbered ‘198’, hence practically skipping a number; occasional catchwords). A brown Sefardi hand without any use of other colours; occasional shaddas. Titles in bold (chapter titles XII.6 (188r), XII.7 (189v) and XII.9 (193r) in a different hand with the number in abjad). Substantial diagrams with abjad notation and labels. Tables sometimes incomplete. Codex in bad condition; the upper half of the first folio is lost and large stains on the first six pages affect the readability of the text; moisture stains throughout, mostly in the margins; worm-eaten; some pages have been pasted. Dimensions: 20×14 cm, written area: c. 14½×95 cm; 30 lines per page. Cover in quarter brown calf with marbled paper sides. Type III binding.

Cont.: astronomy. — Index: Ptolemaica (1r–206v); disordered fragments from al-Zawzanī, epitome of ʿAlī b. Yūsuf al-Qifṭī’s Kitāb Ikhbār al-ʿulamāʾ bi akhbār al-ḥukamāʾ (1ar–10av). Blank: 13r, 17v, 18v, 37r, 46v, 65r–v, 202r, 11ar, Iar–IIar.

Bibl.: Bernard R. Goldstein, ‘The Survival of Arabic Astronomy in Hebrew’, Journal for the History of Arabic Science 3 (1979), pp. 31–39, here p. 32 and n. 3; Paul Kunitzsch, Claudius Ptolemäus. Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, 3 vols, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986–1991, vol. I, p. 4; Stefan C. Reif, Hebrew Manuscripts at the Cambridge University Library, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 386 and 408–409.


\1r\ || פלך אלברוג אלמפרוצ֗ה. אלנוע אלאול פי צדר הדה אלכתאב. נעם מא פעל פי מא ארי יא סורין אלאצתקצוא עלם אלפלספה פי אפראדהם גז אלפלספה אלנט֗רי עלי אלעמלי לאנה ואן כאן אלגז אלעמלי מן בעץ אלפצאיל אלכלקיה — \197v [=198]\ פאלי אלשמאל אבדא ואמא פי עטארד פאלי אלגנוב אבדא ואן אפלאך אלתדאויר אמא אקטארהמא אלדי ימר באלבעד אלאבעד מנהא אלדי {…} פאנהא אד֗א צארת פי סטח אלפלך אלכארג אלמרכז אבתדאת אבתדא מא מן דלך אלמוצ֗ע יתחרך. \199r\ [tables]

\1r\ || فلك البروج المفروضة. النوع الأوّل في صدر هذه الكتاب. نعم ما فعل في ما أرى يا سورين الاصتقصوا علم الفلسفة في إفرادهم جزء الفلسفة النظريّ على العمليّ لأنّه وإن كان الجزء العمليّ من بعض الفضائل الخلقيّة — \197v [=198]\ فإلى الشمال أبدًا وأمّا في عطارد فإلى الجنوب أبدًا وأنّ الأفلاك التداوير أمّا أقطارهما الذي يمرّ بالبعد الأبعد منها الذي {…} فإنّها إذا صارت في سطح الفلك الخارج المركز ابتدأت ابتداء ما من ذلك الموضع يتحرّك \199r\ [tables]

= Ptolemy, al-Majisṭī (tr. Isḥāq b. Ḥunayn/Thābit b. Qurra) (A.1.2)

. — Title: al-Majisṭī in some of the book titles, Kitāb Baṭlamīyūs al-mansūb ilā al-taʿālīm in others. — Additional titles: ‘Ptolomaei Almagestum Arabice versum ab characteribus Hebraiciis’ (IIr); ‘Almagestum’ (spine). — Index: The folios are in great disorder. Book I, 1r–20r (table of contents missing); II.1–8, 20r–32v; II.9–13, 66r–72v; III.3, 72v–80v; II.3–10, 33r–41v; IV, 41v–60r; V.1–5, 60v–64v; V.5–19, 81r–98v, 99v; VI.1–10, 99v, 99r, 100r–116v; VII, 117v, 117r, 118r–124v; VIII, 124v–133r; IX, 133r–147r; X, 147v–161v; XI, 162r–179v (XI.11 missing); XII, 180r–195v; XIII.1–2, 196r–197v [=198]; tables from earlier books, 199r–205v, 206v. Marginal corrections and glosses in the scribe’s hand as well as in a later hand, some corrections in the text by a later hand. A short note mentioning Ptolemy has been added by a later hand (2r). A few geometrical diagrams by a later hand in the margin (4r).