Istanbul, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Ayasofya 4830
Shaʿbān 626 to Rajab 627/1229-30; the Ptolemaic part was copied in Ramaḍān 626/July-August 1229.
Or.:Damascus; unknown scribe.
Prov.:undated ownership statement by Ibn ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn b. Jarawba al-Shībānī (2r). Undated seal of ownership of Sultan Bayezid II (r. 1481–1512) (2r). Statement of endowment in favour of Sultan Mahmud I (r. 1730–1754), received by Aḥmad Shaykh Zāda, inspector of endowments ‘in the two Holy Shrines’, with his seal (2r); seal of Sultan Mahmud I (2r). Current shelfmark (twice) and microfilm number ‘1684’ (2r).
Cod.: paper, I+235+Ia ff. (foliated with both Hindu-Arabic numerals in black ink and Arabic-European numerals in pencil, running entirely parallel; quire numbers ‘3’ to ‘8’ in Hindu-Arabic numerals on ff. 11r, 19r, …, 51r). A single clear naskh hand in black; mostly dotted ductus. Book headings and titles in Kufic (‘early ʿAbbāsid’) script, some work and chapter titles in red. Extensive marginalia in another hand in black between ff. 87r–108v and 162v–180v, otherwise hardly any marginalia. A third hand (same as the Arabic-European foliation) added complete titles in pencil (ff. 183r, 191r, 200v, 228r). Diagram lines in red with letters in black. Decorated with illuminated titlepieces filled with arabesque patterns (provided for most books in red, gold and black, displaying Mamluk characteristics). Codex in acceptable condition; moisture and severe mold stains on the edges, not affecting the body text. Dimensions: 245×145 mm, written area: 155×105 mm; 23 lines per page. Brown leather cover pasted on a dark leather cover of a later period, decorated with a central blind-tooled mandorla and pendants surrounded by an elaborated frame (13th c., probably Mamluk). Type III binding.
Cont.: mathematics and astronomy. —
Bibl.: Defter-i Kütüphane-i Ayasofya, Istanbul: Mahmut Bey Matbaası, 1887 (1304 H.), p. 318; KrauseMax Krause, ‘Stambuler Handschriften islamischer Mathematiker’, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, Abteilung B: Studien 3 (1936), pp. 437–532, pp. 439, 449–450, 455, 461, 467–468, 485–487, 515, 520, 522, and 524; Franz Rosenthal, ‘Al-Kindī and Ptolemy’, in Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida, Roma: Istituto per l’Oriente, 1956, vol. II, pp. 436–456, here pp. 436–437; Yvonne Dold-Samplonius, Kitāb al-Mafrūḍāt li-Aqāṭun. Book of Assumptions by Aqāṭun. Text-critical edition, PhD dissertation, University of Amsterdam, 1977, p. 1; Ashraf A. Akhmedov, Jamal al-Dabbāgh and Boris A. Rozenfeld, ‘Istanbul Manuscripts of al-Khwārizmī’s Treatises’, Erdem 3/7 (1987), pp. 163–186; François Charette and Petra G. Schmidl, ‘Al-Khwārizmī and Practical Astronomy in Ninth-Century Baghdad. The Earliest Extant Corpus of Texts in Arabic on the Astrolabe and Other Portable Instruments’, SCIAMVS 5 (2004), pp. 101–198, here pp. 107–109.
\53v\ قال يعقوب بن إسحق الكندي لأحوال ولا قوّة إلّا بالله وحده لا شريك له. كتب يعقوب ابن إسحق الكندي إلى ابنه أحمد بن يعقوب في الصناعة العظمى التي أخذ من حدد رسمه منها اليونانيون الكتاب المنسوب إلى بطلميوس القلوذي المسمّى المجسطي — \80v\ فإذ قدّمنا ما يجب تقديمه من هذه الصناعة ممّا هو كالأوائل لها فلنكمل هذا الفنّ من كتابنا ولنتله بما يتلوا ذلك تلوًّا طبيعيًا. = al-Kindī, Kitāb fī l-Ṣināʿa al-ʿuẓmā (C.1.1)
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