Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Istanbul, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Ayasofya 4832

[Colour scanned images of the textblock and covers.]
Collection of more than 50 works: Arabic. Date:

5th/11th c. (Ritter, p. 363; Lorch, p. 23); additions from the 8th/14th c.


possibly Khorasan; unknown scribe.


two notes claiming that this manuscript was owned and/or collected by Ibn Sīnā (1r). A statement of ownership by Ibn al-Ḥamāmī Abū Zayd b. ʿAlī, dated 19 Rajab 568/6 March 1173 (1r). Further undated ownership statements by Muḥammad b. Abī l-Qāsim al-Husaynī and Abū l-Futūḥ b. Kāmyār (1r). An illegible seal (IIr). A seal of Bāyazīd II (r. 1481–1512) (IIr, 229v). A statement of endowment in favour of Sultan Maḥmūd I (r. 1730–1754), received by Aḥmad Shaykh Zāda, inspector of endowments ‘in the two Holy Shrines’, with his seal (IIv); seal of Sultan Maḥmūd I (1r). Old shelfmark ‘432’ and microfilm number ‘1193’ (Ir).

Cod.: brown paper, II+232 ff. (foliated with European-Arabic numerals in pencil, f. 36 mistakenly bound between ff. 46 and 47, ranges of blank folios indicated by Turkish ‘Boş’ (‘empty’); an earlier foliation with red Hindu-Arabic numerals running parallel to the first foliation from ff. 1 to 150 and numbering ff. 153–228 from 1 to 76, repeated in pencil at the bottom of the versos; no catchwords). One main neat naskh hand in black, more careless towards the end; partially dotted ductus, no shaddas or hamzas. Occasional marginal corrections and red markers for the beginning of a new treatise. A table in black (116r); many diagrams with geometrical points in black; some reserved spaces for diagrams (34v, 56v, 193v, 228v). 32 lines per page (29 lines on ff. 121r–145v). Four short treatises were written by different black, mostly undotted naskh hands in different formats on initially empty folios (57r–57v, 191v–193r, 206v–207v, and 228r–229r); the first of these is dated 755/1354-5. Cover slightly damaged, minor moisture stains, severe corrosion of the paper caused by the ink. Dimensions: 27½×12 cm (Krause) or 22×12.5 cm (Reisman & Bertolacci). Type III binding.

Cont.: mathematics, astronomy, astrology, philosophy, meteorology, medicine. — Index: the manuscript is divided into three parts with separate titles in different hands: treatises by Thābit b. Qurra (ff. 1–116), al-Kūhī (or: al-Qūhī) (ff. 121–144), and al-Kindī (ff. 153–end). Various sketchy notes (Iv–IIr); table of contents of the first two parts including works by Thābit ibn Qurra, Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, and others, indicating the folio numbers of their beginnings with Hindu-Arabic numbers in red (1r); Thābit b. Qurra, Risāla fī Kayfa yanbaghī an yuslak ilā nayl al-maṭlūb min al-maʿānī al-handasiyya (1v–4r); Thābit b. Qurra, Kitāb fī Qutūʿ al-usṭuwāna wa-basīṭi-hā (4r–26r); Thābit b. Qurra, Kitāb fī Misāḥat qaṭʿ al-makhrūṭ alladhī yusammā l-mukāfī (26v–35v); Thābit b. Qurra, Kitāb al-Mafrūḍāt (35v–39r, 46r–v); Thābit b. Qurra, Risāla fī l-Ḥujja al-mansūba ilā Suqrāṭ fī l-murabbaʿ wa-quṭri-hi (39r–41r); Thābit b. Qurra, Kitāb fī Misāḥat al-ashkāl al-musaṭṭaḥa wa-l-mujassama (41r–44r); Thābit b. Qurra, Kitāb fī l-Shakl al-mulaqqab bi-l-qiṭāʿ (44r–45v, 47r–49v; see Lorch, p. 24); Thābit b. Qurra, Risāla fī Dhikr al-aflāk wa-ḥalaqi-hā (or: khalqi-hā, see Morelon, p. 19) wa-ʿadad ḥarakātihā wa-miqdār masīrihā (50r–51r); Thābit b. Qurra, Kitāb fī anna-hu idhā waqaʿa khaṭṭ mustaqīm ʿalā khaṭṭayn mustaqīmayn fa-ṣayyara al-zāwiyatayn … (51r–52r); Ptolemaica (52r–53v); Thābit b. Qurra, Min kalām Thābit b. Qurra fī l-hayʾa (53v–54r; cf. Morelon, pp. XXXVII–XXXVIII); Ptolemaica (54v–56v); Abū l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī, Risāla fī Ruʾyat al-kawākib bi-l-layl lā bi-l-nahār (57r–57v, not included in the table of contents, ascribed to Avicenna; see GAS VI, p. 280 n. 2); Thābit b. Qurra, Maqāla fī Talkhīṣ mā atā bi-hi Arisṭūṭālis fī kitābi-hi Fī-mā baʿd al-ṭabīʿa (60v–62r); Ibrahīm b. Sinān, Kitāb fī Ālāt al-aẓlāl (66v–75v); Ibrahīm b. Sinān, Kitāb fī Misāḥat al-qaṭʿ al-mukāfī (76v–79r, not listed in the table of contents); al-Qabīṣī, Risāla fī anwāʿ al-aʿdād (85v–88r); al-Qabīṣī, Risāla fī l-Abʿād wa-l-ajrām (88v–94r); al-Qabīṣī, Mā sharaḥa-hu l-Qabīṣī min Kitāb al-Fuṣūl li-l-Farghānī (94v–114v); al-Nayrīzī, Risāla fī Aḥdāth al-jaww (114v–116r); title of the second part of the codex: Majmūʿa fī-hā kutub wa-rasāʾil wa-stikhrājāt li-Abī Sahl Wījan b. Rustam al-Kūhī (121r, in a different hand); Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, Risāla fī ʿAmal mukhammas mutasāwī l-aḍlāʿ fī murabbaʿ maʿlūm (121v–123v); Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, Masʿalatān handasiyyatān (123v–125v); Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, Risāla fī stikhrāj misāḥat al-mujassam al-mukāfī (125v–129r); two questions by al-Ṣābiʿ with the replies by Abū Sahl al-Kūhī (129v–140r); Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, Ziyādāt li-kitāb al-Muʿṭayāt li-Uqlīdis (140v–144v); Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, Risāla fī stikhrāj ḍilʿ al-musabbaʿ (145v–147v, with two versions of the incipit); Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, Istikhrāj khaṭṭayn bayna khaṭṭayn ḥattā tatawālā ʿalā nisba … (147v); table of contents of the third part including works of al-Kindī, indicating the folio numbers of their beginnings with Hindu-Arabic numbers in red (153r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-ʿIlla al-fāʿila li-l-madd wa-l-jazr (153v–157r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī Waḥdaniyyat Allāh wa-tanāhī jirm al-ʿālam (157r–158r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Ibāna ʿan anna ṭabīʿat al-falak mukhālifa li-ṭabāʾiʿ al-ʿanāṣir al-arbaʿa (158r–159r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī ʿIlla al-lawn al-lāzuwardī alladhī yurā fī l-jaww fī jihat al-samāʾ (159r–160r); al-Kindī, unknown fragment (160r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Jirm al-ḥāmil bi-ṭibāʿihi l-lawn min al-ʿanāṣir al-arbaʿa wa-lladhī huwa ʿillat al-lawn fī ghayri-hi (160v–161r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī Māhiyyat al-nawm wa-l-ruʾyā (161r–163r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-ʾIlla allatī la-hā yabrudu aʿlā l-jaww wa-yaskhunu mā qaruba min al-arḍ (163v–165r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī Īḍāḥ tanāhī jirm al-ʿālam (165r–166r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-ʿIlla allatī la-hā takūnu baʿḍ al-mawāḍiʿ lā takād tumṭar (166v–167r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī ʿIllat kawn al-ḍabāb (167r–167v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Sabab alladhī nasabat al-qudamāʾ al-ashkāl al-khamsa ilā l-ustuqussāt (167v–169v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Suyūf (170r–173v); anonymous, ʿAmal sayf ʿajīb jiddan (173v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī ʿIllat al-thalj wa-l-barad wa-l-barq wa-l-ṣawāʾiq wa-l-raʿd wa-l-zamharīr (174r–174v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-ʿaql (174v–175r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī anna-hu jawāhir lā ajsām (175v–176r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Ḥīla li-dafʿ al-aḥzān (176r–179v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī Kammiyat kutub Arisṭūṭālīs wa-mā yuḥtāj ilay-hi fī taḥsīl al-falsafa (180r–183r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī anna l-ʿanāṣir wa-l-jirm al-aqṣā kuriyyat al-shakl (183r–184r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Ibāna ʿan sujūd al-jirm al-aqṣā wa-ṭāʿati-hi li-llāh ʿazza wa-jalla (184r–186v); al-Kindī, Kalām fī l-Nafs mukhtaṣar wajīz (186v, not included in the table of contents); al-Kindī, Kalām fī l-Tarkīb (187r, not included in the table of contents); al-Kindī, Hal yajūzu an yutawahham mā lā yurā (187r, not included in the table of contents); al-Kindī, Kitāb fī l-Ibāna ʿan al-ʿilla al-fāʾila al-qarība li-l-kawn wa-l-fasād (187v–191r); Ibn al-Haytham, Risāla fī l-Tarbīʿ al-dāʾira (191v–193r, not included in the table of contents); Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, Risāla fī Maʿrifat mā yurā min al-samāʾ wa-l-baḥr (193v–194r, not included in the table of contents); al-Kindī, Kitāb fī l-Falsafa al-ūlā (196r–206r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī Ḥudūd al-ashyāʾ wa-rusūmi-hā (206v–207v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī Māhiyyat mā lā yumkin an yakūna lā nihāya wa-mā lladhī yuqāl lā nihāya la-hā (208r–208v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Fāʿil al-ḥaqq al-awwal al-tāmm wa-l-fāʿil al-nāqiṣ alladhī huwa bi-l-majāz (208v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Qaḍāʾ ʿalā l-kusūf (209r); al-Kindī, Kitāb al-Bāh (209v–211r); al-Kindī, Risāla fī stikhrāj al-muʿammā (211r–216v); al-Kindī, Risāla fī l-Lutgha (216v–218r, beginning missing); al-Kindī, Risāla fī Īḍāḥ wijdān abʿād mā bayna al-nāẓir wa-markaz aʿmidat al-jibāl wa-ʿulūw aʿmidat al-jibāl (218v–222r); Banū Mūsā, Muqaddimāt kitāb al-Makhrūṭāt (223v–226v); Abū l-Fatḥ Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Malik al-Dawānī (?), untitled, on a proof by the Banū Mūsā (226v–227v); ʿUmar ibn al-Muẓaffar, untitled work on arithmetic (228r–229r; see Ritter, p. 370). Blank: 58r–60r, 62v–66r, 76r, 79v–85r, 116v–120v, 145r, 148r–152v, 194v–195v, 222v–223r, 229v–232v.

Bibl.: Hellmut Ritter, ‘Schriften Jaʿqūb ibn Isḥāq al-Kindī’s in Stambuler Bibliotheken’, Archiv Orientální 4 (1932), pp. 363–372; KrauseMax Krause, ‘Stambuler Handschriften islamischer Mathematiker’, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, Abteilung B: Studien 3 (1936), pp. 437–532, pp. 453–456 etc. (cf. the index on p. 529); Muḥammad Taqī Dānishpazhūh, Fihrist-i mīkrūfīlmhā-yi Kitābkhāna-yi Markazī-yi Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, vol. I, Tehran: Dānishgāh-yi Tihrān, 1969 (1348 H.S.), pp. 467–472; Giuseppe Celentano, Due scritti medici di al-Kindī, Napoli: Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 1979, pp. 2–6; Régis Morelon, Thābit ibn Qurra. Œuvres d’astronomie, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1987, pp. xxxvii–xxxviii; Richard P. Lorch, Thābit ibn Qurra. On the Sector-Figure and Related Texts, Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 2001, pp. 23–24; David C. Reisman and Amos Bertolacci, ‘Thābit ibn Qurra’s Concise Exposition of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: Text, Translation, and Commentary’, in Roshdi Rashed (ed.), Thābit ibn Qurra. Science and Philosophy in Ninth-Century Baghdad, Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 2009, pp. 715–776, here pp. 725–728; facsimile in Fuat Sezgin, Jan Hogendijk and Fabian Käs, Codex Ayasofya 4832. A Collection of Mathematical, Philosophical, Meteorological, and Astronomical Treatises by Thābit ibn Qurra, Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb al-Kindī, Abu l-Ṣaqr al-Qabīṣī, Abū Sahl al-Kūhī, and Others. With A Survey of Important Studies on Codex Ayasofya 4832, Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 2010; Paul Hullmeine, Ptolemy’s Cosmology in Greek and Arabic. The Background and Legacy of the Planetary Hypotheses, Turnhout: Brepols, in press.


\52r\ معدّل النهار هو الدائرة العظمى التي تحيط على قطبي السماء اللذين عليهما يتحرّك من المشرق إلى المغرب. — \53v\ ومن ذلك إنّ زحل والمشتري والمرّيخ إذا كانت تقرب من الشمس فهي مستقيمة السير وإذا كانت في مقابلة الشمس أو قريبًا من المقابلة كانت راجعة.

= Thābit b. Qurra, Tashīl al-Majisṭī (C.1.3)

. — Title: Tashīl al-Majisṭī li-Thābit b. Qurra (52r). — Undated scribal colophon. No glosses. Only few marginal corrections.


\54v\ [title] وجدنا ما أجرى بطلميوس عليه للأمر فيما ذكره من قسمة المسكون من الأرض على البروج والكواكب. — \56v\ وقد صوّرت صورة تفهم مواقع البلدان التي لكلّ برج على رأي بطلميوس على أثر هذا الكلام.

= Thābit b. Qurra, Jawāmiʿ li-mā qāla-hu Batlamyūs fī qismat al-arḍ al-maskūna (C.2.1)

. — Title: Jawāmiʿ Thābit b. Qurra li-mā qāla-hu Batlamyūs fī qismat al-arḍ al-maskūna ʿalā l-burūj wa-l-kawākib (54v). — Undated scribal colophon. Reserved space for a diagram (56v). Only few marginal corrections.