Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Rampur, Raza Library, Arabic 4190

[Trimmed colour scanned images of the textblock and covers.]
Collection of seven works: Arabic.  Date:

pp. 1–34: undated, 13th/19th c. (ʿArshī); pp. 36–46: undated, 12th/18th c. (ʿArshī), most probably the first half of that century (see below).


unknown; unknown scribes.


a reference to planetary positions at the end of 1120/beginning of 1709 (p. 44). Statement of a collation done in 1127/1715 against a manuscript with 131 folios (p. 48). Added computations (pp. 36–44 and 47) bearing dates from 1146/1733-4 to 1161/1748. One unclear and three erased statements (p. 48) . Registration statement by the Raza Library (accession no. ‘3444’, dated 16 May 1914); another accession no. (?) ‘ST 13625’ (p. 1).

Cod.: white paper turned brownish, 48 pp. (paginated with Hindu-Arabic numerals in pencil at the centre top; catchwords). Several black naskh hands. Hand of pp. 1–34 (including the Ptolemaic work): with nastaʿlīq influence, at times quick and clumsy; partially dotted ductus with some vowels, shaddas and hamzas; slightly oversized verbum numbering (‘faṣl’ with abjad number) followed by prolonged qāla. Tables (pp. 44–45): neat, black and red with red frame and titles. Hindu-Arabic and less frequently abjad numerals. Codex in bad condition; damage by insects, some moisture stains; outer margins restored, transparent tape pasted along the binding and on the written area. Dimensions: 30.7×22.4 cm, written area: c. 26½×19 cm; 26–30 lines per page (mostly 28). Recent red leather covers; title in gold on the spine. Type III binding.

Cont.: astrology and astronomy. — Index: Ptolemaica (pp. 1–26); a small table providing an astronomical division of the days of the solar year (p. 27); extracts from Abū Maʿshar (pp. 28–29, 32–33); extracts from al-Qabīṣī (p. 34); a chapter with Angelic script (p. 36); astronomical computations for the years 1146–1161/1733–1748 (pp. 36–44 and 47); table for the position of 123 fixed stars organised by lunar mansion (indicated in the top margin to be for the year 710/1310-1, with a precession constant for the end of the year 1120/1709, pp. 44–45); a large, mostly unfilled multiplication table (p. 46). Blank: presumably pp. 30–31 and 35 (not included in the scans).

Bibl.: Imtiyāz ʿAlī ʿArshī, Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in Raza Library, Rampur, Vol. V: Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Science, Agriculture, Occult Sciences, Ethics & Politics, Education & Military Science, Rampur: Raza Library, 1975, pp. 478/9.

pp. 1–⁠26

\p. 2\ قال بطلميوس الحكيم قد قدّمنا لك يا سوري كتابًا فيما تؤثّر الكواكب في عالم التركيب كثيرة المنفعة في تقدمة العلم بمعرفتها وهذا الكتاب ثمرة ما اشتملت عليه تلك الكتب وقد حصّلناه مائة كلمة موجز على الحصر والتجريد منها وعرف وليس يميل إلى معرفة من لم ينعم النظر في جميع ما قدّمنا قبله من العلوم في علوم أخر من علوم الرياضة فكان سعيدًا — \p. 26\ فهذا ما حضرني أيدك الله من تفسير كتاب بطلميوس وأرجو أن يكون مطيعًا لمعاسر مستوفيًا لشرحه والصواب لك أن يمنعه ممّن لا يؤثّر فيه إلاّ التكبّر يملكه ويرى حضره حصوله. تمّ كتاب الثمرة المسّمى اقطرسطا ومعناه المائة كلمة اختصرها بطليموس من كتبه وكتب سائر الحكماء وقرّبها من فهم المرياضين بهذه الصناعة الجليلة والعلم النفيس الدالّ على توحيد الله وجلاله وجبروته وعظمته لا مبدّل لكلمات الله ولا رادّ حكمه وهو السميع العليم.

= Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad b. Yūsuf, Tafsīr Kitāb al-Thamara (C.3.1)

, version with 100 verba. — Title: Kalimāt Baṭlamyūs wa-hādhā Kitāb al-Thamarāt wa-tafsīru-hā li-l-ḥakīm Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Miṣrī al-Munajjim mufassir al-kalimāt (p. 1). — Additional titles: Sharḥ-i Thamarāt (p. 1, crossed out); Kitāb al-Thamara al-musammā ā-q-ṭ-r-s-ṭ-ā wa-maʿnā-hu l-miʾa kalima (p. 26). — Index: title page, p. 1; Pseudo-Ptolemy’s introduction, p. 2; verbum 1, p. 2; commentator’s introduction, p. 2; commentary on verbum 1, pp. 2–3; remaining 99 verba intertwined with the commentary, pp. 3–26. — Commentator’s colophon with Greek title; no scribal colophon. Corrections (ṣḥ) and some conjectures () by the main scribe; short glosses by a different hand in the margin and between the lines. The text is divided into 147 fuṣūl constituted by the 100 verba and many lemmata of the commentary mistakenly numbered as independent items; actual verbum 82 not numbered; actual verbum 98 replaced by the first part of its commentary (C.3.1).