Rampur, Raza Library, Arabic 4189
completed at the ‘fifth hour’ on Sunday, 17 Shawwāl 1123/28 November 1711 (279r).
Or.:unknown; several unknown scribes.
Prov.:a Shiite seal ‘yā Ḥusayn’ dated 1189/1775-6 (1r). A seal of Masīḥ al-Dawla dated 1206/1791-2 (1v, 279r; ʿArshī). A seal of ʿAbd-hu (?) Aqā ʿAlī dated 1222/1807 (1r, trimmed). An ownership statement together with a seal of Muẓaffar Ḥusayn Khān Lakhnawī (1r). The year 〈1〉104/1692-3 (predating the colophon) and an erased seal (1r). Old shelfmark: ‘ST 13624’ in pencil (1r).
Cod.: paper, 279 ff. (foliated with Persian forms of Hindu-Arabic numerals in pencil between the first and second line of almost every recto [sometimes between lower lines], with some minor mistakes [e.g., 254 twice, 258 skipped] and ff. 3–6 in the order 4-3-6-5; earlier parallel foliation with Persian forms of Hindu-Arabic numerals in pencil at the top left of rectos, often cut off from the scans or invisible due to restorations; catchwords.) Apparently four main hands. First hand (1v = incipit page, 65r–82v, 149r–220v): a clear and fast nastaʿlīq in black, at times sloppy (especially ff. 200–220); regularly dotted ductus, hardly any vowels, no final hamzas, no shaddas, frequent lām-alif mukhaffafa; titles and paragraph beginnings rubricated. Second hand (2r–65r): an angular black naskh written with a thick nibbed pen, very regular proportions; dotted ductus with hamzas but no shaddas, occasional lām-alif mukhaffafa; rubrication by hands I and III. Third hand (82v–148v and 244v–279r): a black naskh, inconsistent style (at times neat, otherwise large letters with round elements and strongly elongated final nūn); mostly dotted ductus, hardly any vowels, no indication of final hamzas and shaddas, frequent use of lām-alif muḥaqqaqa; titles, paragraph beginnings and abjad notation rubricated (probably by the same scribe). Fourth hand (220v–244v): an elegant nastaʿlīq with round features and peculiar punctuation; fully dotted ductus, hardly any vowels, regular indication of final hamzas, no shaddas; rubrication apparently by hand I. The scribes appear to have taken turns, which might indicate that this codex was copied in a workshop. No tables; spaces for horoscopes reserved on ff. 235v, 238r and 239v. Codex in acceptable condition; all margins considerably restored; slight damage by insects, some dirt and ink stains. Dimensions: 24.2×17.5 cm; mostly 21 lines per page. Rebound in modern partial leather binding (red and purple), title and author provided on the spine. Type III binding.
Cont.: astrology. —
Bibl.: Imtiyāz ʿAlī ʿArshī, Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in Raza Library, Rampur, Vol. V: Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Science, Agriculture, Occult Sciences, Ethics & Politics, Education & Military Science, Rampur: Raza Library, 1975, pp. 476/7.
\1v\ قال أبو الحسن وعلي (كذا) بن رضوان بن جعفر المتطبّب: قصد أن نشرح أقاويل الحكيم بطلميوس في صناعة القضاء = ʿAlī b. Riḍwān, Tafsīr al-Maqālāt al-arbaʿ (C.2.3)
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