Qom, Kitābkhānah-yi ʿumūmī-yi Ḥaḍrat-i Āyat Allāh al-ʿuẓmā Marʿashī Najafī, 1176
part II finished in Muḥarram 〈1〉136/October 1723, part IV on 14 Dhū l-qaʿda 1137/25 July 1725, and part V on Friday, 16 Shaʿbān 〈1〉137/Monday (!), 30 April 1725.
Or.:unknown, part V copied in Isfahan (87v); part II copied by Manṣūr al-… al-Naẓarī, part IV by Muḥammad Bāqir b. Muʿizz al-Dīn Aḥmad al-Ṭalaqa (?), and part V by ʿAlī b. Muḥammad b. Amīr Ḥasan al-….
Prov.:a square seal with a note dated Rajab 1151/October-November 1738 stating that Muḥammad ʿAlī received the book from his father Muḥammad Bāqir Mukabbir; this note is followed by an ownership statement of Muḥammad ʿAlī b. Muḥammad Bāqir Mukabbir with another square seal dated to the same year (1r). A rectangular seal with an ownership statement of Abū l-Qāsim b. Ḥasan in Isfahan and a short poem about the defeat of enemies in the same hand (1r). Two undated ownership statements by Muḥammad Ṭāhir Ḥusaynī and an oval seal ‘Muḥammad … al-ʿUlūm’ possibly accompanying these statements (1r); an oval seal attributed to a certain Mahr Yaḍwī (Ḥusaynī) (1r). A librarian’s stamp of inspection dated Rajab 1394/July-August 1974 (on numerous pages, for example, 1r, 81r, 87v).
Cod.: two types of paper (a thin paper with visible fibres for parts I, III, IV, and V and a slightly darker brownish paper for part II), 87 ff. (foliated with Persian forms of Hindu-Arabic numerals; catchwords apparently in the hands of the scribes). Five different hands in five parts. Part I (1v–16v, the Ptolemaic work): a clear black nastaʿlīq hand; mostly dotted ductus, hardly any vowels, no hamzas, some shaddas; titles highlighted with black overlines, frequent reserved spaces. Part II (17v–50r): a neat naskh hand writing larger letters with a thick nibbed pen; almost fully dotted ductus, some vowels, numerous hamzas and shaddas; formulaic expressions rubricated. Part III (50v–55v): a small naskh hand; mostly dotted ductus, hardly any vowels, some hamzas, hardly any shaddas; peculiar use of elongated descenders; no rubrications. Part IV (56v–67r): a nastaʿlīq hand writing with a thick nibbed pen; mostly dotted ductus, some final vowels, some hamzas, no shaddas; some spaces for rubrication reserved. Part V (68v–87v): an angular nastaʿlīq hand with naskh influence; mostly dotted ductus, no vowels, numerous hamzas, some shaddas; single words bold and rubricated with red overlines. No tables or horoscopes. Codex in very good condition, some water stains. Dimensions: 242×175 mm; respectively 25, 13, 21, 21 and 23 lines per page. Bound in a cardboard cover.
Cont.: astrology. —
Bibl.: Aḥmad Ḥusaynī, Fihrist-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-yi Kitābkhāna-yi ʿumūmī-yi Ḥadrat-i Āyatallāh al-ʿUẓmā Najafī Marʿashī, vol. III, Qom, 1975 (1354 H.S.), pp. 346–348; FankhāMuṣṭafā Dirāyatī, Fihristgān-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-yi Īrān (Fankhā), 45 vols, Tehran: Library, Museum and Documentation Center of The Islamic Consultative Assembly, 2011–13 1390, vol. XVIII, p. 974 (no. 27); for the non-Ptolemaic works, see vol. V, p. 463; vol. IX, p. 113; vol. XVIII, p. 974, and vol. XXIV, p. 688.
\1v\ قال أبو الحسن علي بن رضوان بن علي بن جعفر المتطبّب: قصدنا أن نشرح أقاويل الحكيم بطلميوس في صناعة القضاء بالنجوم على الحوادث — \16v\ كان الاسم الواقع عليهما اسم الغالب فيهما كذلك فعل بطلميوس 〈قال〉 بطلميوس قال القدماء ان اثنتين \من الكواكب\ || = ʿAlī b. Riḍwān, Tafsīr al-Maqālāt al-arbaʿ (C.2.3)
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