Qom, Markaz-i iḥyāʾ-i mīrāth-i Islāmī, 787
undated; pp. 1–256 copied before 1232/1816–7 (p. 1) and possibly in the 12th/18th c. (Ḥusaynī Ishkawarī); pp. 257–387 are an ‘old manuscript’ (Ḥusaynī Ishkawarī).
Or.:unknown; p. 2 and pp. 13–256 copied by Shaykh Muhandis b. Muḥammad according to a statement accompanied by an oval seal (p. 2).
Prov.:a statement mentioning the date Sunday, 24 Muḥarram 1232/15 December 1816 (p. 1). Statements in Persian mentioning that the manuscript contains Shams al-Dīn al-Khafrī’s al-Takmila fī sharḥ al-Tadhkira (p. 1); further statements in Persian (p. 387).
Cod.: paper, 448 pp. (paginated with Hindu-Arabic numerals at the centre top; foliation with Hindu-Arabic numerals starting with ‘194’ on p. 387, used by Ḥusaynī Ishkawarī; catchwords). At least four different hands. Pages 2 and 13–256: one or more similar black nastaʿlīq hands with substantial red overlining; partially dotted ductus without diacritics; abjad numerals, several figures with black lines and red geometrical points and labels or vice versa; a paper slip with an astronomical diagram glued onto p. 103 and replacing the diagram in the text. Pages 3–12: one or more black naskh hands with nastaʿlīq influence; mostly dotted ductus with some diacritics; red and black overlining. Pages 257–387: a black naskh hand with red overlining, rarely dotted ductus with occasional diacritics; abjad and occasionally Hindu-Arabic numerals, several figures with red lines and black geometrical points and labels. Pages 390–448 (including the Ptolemaic work): a black nastaʿlīq hand, mostly dotted ductus without diacritics; verba headings (‘al-kalima’ followed by an ordinal number) and ‘al-tafsīr’ in red. Codex in bad condition; smudges, moisture and ink stains, several pages lost after p. 256, others pasted. Dimensions: 26×15 cm; lines per page: 27 (pp. 2, 13–387), 27–30 (pp. 3–12), and 18 (pp. 390–448). Burgundy covers, half-bound. Type III binding.
Cont.: astronomy and astrology. —
Bibl.: Aḥmad Ḥusaynī Ishkawarī, Fihrist-i nuskhahā-i khaṭṭī-i Markaz-i Iḥyāʾ-i Mīrāth-i Islāmī, vol. II, Qom, 2002 (1380 H.S.), pp. 443–444; FankhāMuṣṭafā Dirāyatī, Fihristgān-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-yi Īrān (Fankhā), 45 vols, Tehran: Library, Museum and Documentation Center of The Islamic Consultative Assembly, 2011–13 1390, vol. IX, p. 127 (no. 47), and vol. XIX, p. 359.
pp. 390–448
\p. 390\ أطال الله بقاءك بأدوم عمرك نعمة وأفضل صحّة وأوسع كرامة وقرن سعيك بإرشاده وصوابك بتوفيقه قد حضرت أيّدك الله بالأمس من سوء الخوض في كتاب الثمرة — \p. 448\ وترى أنّ حصوله في خزائنه معادل {…} في خلده وليسهل الارتياض به ويعتمد في إحراز المكانة من الناس {…} على المهاترة ولطيف التلبيس فإنّ احتيازه محرّم على أمثاله و{…} موصّله إليه وأنا أسأل الله الكريم. = Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad b. Yūsuf, Tafsīr Kitāb al-Thamara (C.3.1)
, version with 102 verba. — |