Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, ar. 955
ff. 1v–37r completed on nahār al-rubūʿ (i.e., 4?) Shaʿbān 〈1〉152/6 November 1739 (37r); ff. 63v–64r copied on Friday, 11 Jumādā l-thāniya 1241/21 January 1826 (64r); ff. 129v–209v completed on Friday, 29 Dhū l-qaʿda 1152/26 February 1740 (209r).
Or.:unknown; ff. 63v–64r copied by Muḥammad 〈b.〉 Muḥsin 〈b.〉 Aḥmad; ff. 108v–126r copied by al-faqīh Ṭ〈ā〉h〈ā〉 b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Wuṣābī, of probable Yemeni origin (cf. Regourd).
Prov.:an ownership statement mentioning al-faqīh ʿAbd Allāh b. ʿAlī b. Yaḥyā and al-faqīh ʿAlī b. Yaḥyā …, possibly his father (211r; Regourd reads the unclear word as Ḥasan or Ḥusayn). The manuscript was acquired by Giuseppe Caprotti, an Italian merchant active in Yemen between 1880 and 1909; it was brought to Milan in 1909 but the private sponsors who were meant to acquire it for the Biblioteca Ambrosiana eventually donated it to Pope Pius XI in 1922 (Iv–IIr).
Cod.: paper, III+279 ff. (foliated with stamped Arabic-European numerals in the bottom left corner of rectos; catchwords). Several different naskh hands, generally one per work, ranging from very clear to sketchy. Hand copying the Ptolemaic work (90r–91r): quick but clear, somewhat angular handwriting, apparently using the same ink throughout; almost fully dotted ductus with several hamzas; formulaic ‘al-kalima’ occasionally oversized. A dozen sketchy horoscopes (170r–183v) and two more carefully drawn ones (212r, 216r). Tables with abjad and Hindu-Arabic numerals and greatly varying features (6v, 27v, 31v, 34v, 40r–89v, 92v–93r, 210r, 211v). Framed text on f. 37r (double) and ff. 239r–278v (triple). Codex in good condition; margins often damaged, binding occasionally detached, one or more folios lost after ff. 128 and 278. Dimensions: 32.5×23 cm; 31–32 lines per page in the Ptolemaic work.
Cont.: astronomy, astrology and divination. —
Bibl.: Giorgio Levi della Vida, Elenco dei manoscritti arabi islamici della Biblioteca Vaticana. Vaticana, Barberiniani, Borgiani, Rossiani, Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1935, pp. 97–99; Anne Regourd, ‘Eighteenth-Century Identified Copies of MāšāʾAllāh’s Kitāb Qiyām al-Ḫulafāʾ from Yemen: Text Edition and Contextualization’, Quaderni di Studi Arabi 15 (2020), pp. 270–291, here pp. 275–276. —
\90r\ هذا منقول من كتاب (بياض) تصنيف الحكيم بطليموس في تأثير الكسوف ودلائل الذوائب والنيازك وهي أربع كلمات. قال المفسّر قال بطليموس كسوف النيّرين في أوتاد الطالع للمواليد وتحويلات السنين — \91r\ فدخل ابن الحكيم بعده بمدّة يسيرة وسلّط على مصر ونواحيها وحدث لمصر جميع ما ذكره بطليموس. = Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad b. Yūsuf, Tafsīr Kitāb al-Thamara (C.3.1)
, excerpt from the version with verba sorted by Ibn al-Kammād. — |