Work C.1.28
Erasmus Reinhold
〈Commentum in Almagesti V.12-16〉
A commentary on Almagest V.12-16, on the distances and sizes of the Moon, the Sun and the earth, written by Erasmus Reinhold in 1549. This commentary is found in Reinhold’s notebook, otherwise mainly devoted to a commentary on Copernicus’s De revolutionibus. In the same year 1549, Reinhold published his translation and commentary of Book I of the Almagest (A.1.5).
Note Another autograph of Reinhold is MS Philadelphia, UP-KC, LJS 397, which contains 37 folia of astronomical notes and calculations, including questions pertaining to Book V of the Almagest (f. 3v-4v: ‘De proportionibus trium corporum. Hinc etiam facile constat solidarum magnitudinem…’). These notes are not dated.
Text ‘(Berlin, SBPK, lat. fol. 391) In Ptolemaei Μεγαλην σινταξιν, βιβλίου ε΄. (172v) Caput XII libri quinti. (173r) De maxima Lunae latitudine. Alexandriae latitudo est graduum 30.58. Quando autem Luna versabatur in tropico aestivo et in maxima latitudine — canonem parallaxium (?) Solis et Lunae. Θεῷ δοξα. Calendis Ianuarii 1549.’
Bibl. J. A. Henderson, On the Distances Between Sun, Moon and Earth According to Ptolemy, Copernicus and Reinhold, Leiden, 1991, 2-3 and passim.
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