Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.3.6

Memoriale Bendd. (?) de verbis Phtolomei

A commentary on the Centiloquium in Plato of Tivoli’s translation (C.3.1.1). The text includes the propositions, but not Abuiafar’s commentary, and ends with Pseudo-Ptolemy’s De cometis (B.4). The preface and the proposition of v. 1 are omitted (except for the opening lemma) and the proposition of v. 2 is given in the ‘Mundanorum’ version (C.3.1.3). The commentary is attributed to one ‘Benđđ’ (?) in the explicit. Charles Burnett notes: ‘This abbreviated name is intriguingly close to that of the talisman-maker in the Liber prestigiorum Thebidis called ‘Bedides’ (2.57), but the abbreviation could equally be that of Ben David, and refer to a Jewish scholar’ (Bohak/Burnett). The only known manuscript was copied in Germany (Magdeburg?) in the first half of the fourteenth century and probably early in that century, judging from notes added immediately after the explicit by the scribe or a similar hand referring to events that occurred from March to May 1316 (‘Anno 1316, ultimo die Martii electio, 7 die Aprilis rumor…’).

Text ‘(Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1401) Rememoratio centum verborum Tolomei. Scientia stellarum ex te et ex illis est: Ex te quidem per vim anime intellectivam quando separatur anima ab affectu rerum exteriorum — ex aliqua civitate illius climatis. Quandoque apparet cometa ad modum stelle — in regibus et divitibus aparebit. Explicit memoriale Benđđ. (?) de verbis Ph<tolome>i.’

Bibl. G. Bohak, C. Burnett, Thābit ibn Qurra On Talismans and Ps.-Ptolemy On Images 1-9, Together with the Liber prestigiorum Thebidis of Adelard of Bath, Firenze, 2021, 92.

Modern ed. ---