Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.2.7

Petrus Gaszowiec
Tabula de naturis particularibus signorum et facierum

A table summarising Quadripartitum II.11, on the influence of the zodiacal signs and decans on the weather, drawn up by the astronomer and physician Petrus Gaszowiec, who lectured at the University of Cracow from 1456 to his death in 1474. According to Johannes de Glogovia, Petrus Gaszowiec drew up this table in 1463 (see Note below). The source text is Egidius de Tebaldis’s translation (A.2.5).

Note The Tabula was reused by Johannes de Glogovia in his Tractatus preclarissimus in iudiciis astrorum de mutationibus aeris (1490), or Book II of his Summa astrologie, where it forms Differentia 37: ‘Differentia trigesima septima. Naturas particulares signorum et facierum comprehendens quas ponit Ptholomeus secundi Quadripartiti, capitulo XI, rectificate anno domini 1463 per venerabilem virum magistrum Petrum de Gaschowycz medicine doctorem, astrologice scientie virum doctissimum cuius anima requiescat in pace. Totum signum Arietis facit tonitrua et relanpagos (Pisces) septentrionales facientes grandines <de natura> Saturni’ (ed. Cracow, Florianus et Wolfgangus, 1514, sig. gir-giir).

Text ‘(Munich, BSB, Clm 51) ‘Nature particulares signorum et facierum quas ponit Ptolomeus secundo Quadripartiti, capitulo undecimo, verificate per venerabilem egregium virum patrum (!) Gaschowiez medicine doctorem. Totum signum Arietis facit tonitrua et lampagos (Pisces) meridionales facientes grandinem <de natura> Saturni.’

Bibl. M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 182-183. On Petrus Gaszowiec, see also A. Birkenmajer, ‘Les astronomes et les astrologues silésiens au Moyen Age’, in A. Birkenmajer, Études d’histoire des sciences en Pologne, Wrocław, 1972, 437-468: 457-459 [originally published in Polish in 1937]; A. Birkenmajer, ‘Piotr Gaszowiec’, in A. Birkenmajer, Études d’histoire des sciences en Pologne, Wrocław, 1972, 527-529 [originally published in Polish in 1949]; Markowski, 161-183; R. L. Kremer, ‘“Abbreviating” the Alfonsine Tables in Cracow: The Tabulae aureae of Petrus Gaszowiec (1448)’, Journal for the History of Astronomy 38 (2007), 283-304; P. W. Knoll, “A Pearl of Powerful Learning”. The University of Cracow in the Fifteenth Century, Leiden-Boston, 2016, 386-387 and 572-573; Clavis scriptorum et operum Medii Aevi Poloniae, eds J. Kaliszuk, A. Pieniądz, P. Węcowski, K. Skwierczyński, Kraków, 2019, 724-729 (no. 626).

Modern ed. ---