Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Jaipur, Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, 20

[Colour photographs of the textblock and covers.]
Incomplete single work: Arabic.  Date:

undated; 16th c. (Bahura), c. 1600 (King).


unknown; unknown scribe.


oval seal of ownership by Raḍī al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ḥusaynī (1r). Two faded oval seals and several erased notes (1r). Stamp of the Art Gallery of the City Palace Jaipur with the current shelfmark (1r). A Sanskrit note possibly indicating an earlier shelfmark ‘Persian 78’ (Iv); a Sanskrit note with the title ‘Almagest’ and the presumed date of accession in the month Phalguna of the Saṃvat year 1782, corresponding to December 1726 (1r); a Sanskrit label giving the title (‘Majistī’), language (‘arabī’), and topic (‘jyotiṣa-khagola’, astronomy-cosmology), as well as another Sanskrit label and its English translation, identifying the manuscript as ‘Tahrir-ul-Majisti, work of Aristotle, scribe Hujjaj, c. 16th century’ (back cover, each with the current shelf mark).

Cod.: paper, I+157+Ia ff. (unfoliated; catchwords). A single clear naskh hand in black; mostly dotted ductus, occasional shaddas and final hamzas. Book and chapter titles in red. Abjad notation and letters referring to the diagrams in red. Several diagrams with red lines and black letters. Substantial tables with lines in red and headings and abjad notation in black (only the headings of the table on f. 14r are in red). Talismanic invocation yā kabīkaj (1r). Manuscript in very good condition. Dimensions: 26.7×15.9 cm (Bahura), written area: 18.0×9.0 cm (Grupe, ‘Manuscript’); 23 lines per page. Brown cardboard cover with red and yellow striped cloth. Type II binding.

Cont.: astronomy. — Index: Ptolemaica (1v–157v). Blank: Ir, Ia, 21v.

Bibl.: Gopal Narayan Bahura, Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Maharaja of Jaipur Museum, Jaipur: Maharaja of Jaipur Museum, 1971, pp. 74/75 and 125 (catalogued as Taharīr al-Majistī); Paul Kunitzsch, Der Almagest. Die Syntaxis Mathematica des Claudius Ptolemäus in arabisch-lateinischer Überlieferung, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1974, pp. 26–27; David A. King, ‘A Handlist of the Arabic and Persian Astronomical Manuscripts in the Maharaja Mansingh II Library in Jaipur’, Journal for the History of Arabic Science 4 (1980), pp. 81–86, here p. 82 (the manuscript is referred to as the ‘Arabic version by Thābit ibn Qurra of Ptolemy’s Almagest’, but is apparently considered to be a copy of the Ishāq-Thābit version); Paul Kunitzsch, Claudius Ptolemäus. Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, 3 vols, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986–1991, vol. I, p. 4; Paul Kunitzsch, ‘A Hitherto Unknown Arabic Manuscript of the Almagest’, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 14 (2001), pp. 31–37, here pp. 31–32; Dirk Grupe, The Latin Reception of Arabic Astronomy and Cosmology in Mid-Twelfth-Century Antioch: The Liber Mamonis and the Dresden Almagest, PhD dissertation, The Warburg Institute, 2013, p. 128 n. 152; Dirk Grupe, ‘Thābit ibn Qurra’s Version of the Almagest and Its Reception in Arabic Astronomical Commentaries (based on the presentation held at the Warburg Institute, London, 5ᵗʰ November 2015)’, in David Juste, Benno van Dalen, Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Charles Burnett (eds), Ptolemy’s Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, pp. 139–157, here p. 139 n. * and pp. 151–153; Dirk Grupe, ‘Manuscript Jaipur 20 and the Arabic Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest by Thābit ibn Qurra’, in Fahameddin Başar, Mustafa Kaçar, M. Cüneyt Kaya and A. Zişan Furat (eds), The 1st International Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Symposium on History of Science in Islam Proceedings Book, Istanbul: Istanbul University Press, 2020, pp. 139–149.


\1v\ المقالة الأولى من كتاب المجسطي. [toc] إنّ أوّل ما ينبغي أن نبتدئ به في هذا الكتاب ذكر حال كلّيّة السماء وكلّيّة الأرض في أنفسهما وحال كلّ واحدة منهما عند الأخرى وميل فلك البروج عن معدّل النهار — \157v\ ونحن نكتفي في معرفة الاجتماع الأوّل والاستقبال الأوّل من كلّ سنة من السنين المصريّة التي وصفنا أن يعلم أيّامها ودقائقها وثوانيها وهذه في الجداول التي وصفنا. الثالث في وضع جداول الاجتماعات والاستقبالات.

= Ptolemy, al-Majisṭī (tr. Thābit b. Qurra) (A.1.3)

. — Title: Kitāb al-Majisṭī (1v). — Additional titleMajisṭī (1r) — Index: Book I, 1v–24v; II, 24v–53r; III, 53v–79r; IV, 79r–111v; V, 111v–154v; VI.1-2 and the title of VI.3, 155r–157v. — Incomplete: the manuscript contains Books I–V and Book VI up to chapter VI.2 (the scribe stopped copying after the title of chapter VI.3); furthermore, in the middle of f. 6r, the second half of chapter I.6, and the title and the first half of chapter I.7 are missing, apparently following a defective exemplar (the title of chapter I.7 is included in the table of contents of Book I). Undated scribal colophon at the end of every book, with explicit references to the ‘translation (tarjama) of Thābit’ at the end of Books I and V. On f. 1r, the main hand copied the note on the three well-known versions of the Almagest attributed to Qāḍī-Zāda al-Rūmī, which was included in several early manuscripts of al-Ṭūsī’s Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.18; cf. Kunitzsch, Der Almagest, pp. 26–27, and Grupe, ‘Manuscript’, p. 144). Minor glosses in a different hand from the main text. Marginal corrections in the scribe’s hand indicated with ṣād and ṭāʾ.