Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hunt. 547

[Black-and-white microfilm scans of the textblock; colour photographs of the Ptolemaic work and covers.]
Collection of two works: Arabic.  Date:

Ptolemaic work completed on Thursday, 10 Jumādā l-ūlā 979/Sunday (!), 30 September 1571 (colophon, 19v); second work undated.


unknown; first work copied by Yūnus al-Azharī al-Batnūnī (19v), second work copied by Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Rūmī al-Aghrāsī al-Ḥanafī (21r).


a statement of ownership by a certain ʿAlī b. Muḥammad, dated 1052/1642-3 (1r). Old shelfmark ‘73 R. Huntington’ and current shelfmark ‘Hunt. 547’ (1r); current shelfmark ‘Hunt. 547’ and Uri catalogue number ‘Arab. Moh. CMXX’ (Ir).

Cod.: I+65+I ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; catchwords). Two different hands. First hand (1v–19v, Ptolemaic work): slightly angular naskh; almost fully dotted ductus, no shaddas, no hamzas; rubricated chapter and book numbers, catch titles in tawqīʿ in red (except for Books I and XI); substantial diagrams with letters and a few labels. Second hand (21v–65v): reclined naskh; almost fully dotted ductus, occasional shaddas, no hamzas; substantial diagrams with labels, the position of the apogees in the diagrams are said to have been marked by a certain Muḥammad, referred to as ‘the son’ (al-walad) on f. 21r; several marginal corrections, sometimes cut off (48r) and occasionally folded in (55r, 63r) when the manuscript was trimmed. Codex in acceptable condition; significant damage on ff. 23–31, partially restored by replacing large parts of ff. 26–30r by empty pieces of paper; occasional moisture stains and smudges of ink affecting the body text. Dimensions: not provided; 29/27 lines per page (misṭara imprints visible). Modern light brown cardboard cover with double-frame. Type III binding, originally type II (traces of the flap on f. I).

Cont.: astronomy. — Index: Ptolemaica (1v–19v); Ibn al-Shāṭir, Kitāb Nihāyat al-sūʾl fī taṣḥīḥ al-uṣūl (21r–65v). Blank: Iv, 20r–v, Iar–v.

Bibl.: Joannes Uri, Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ codicum manuscriptorum orientalium, videlicet Hebraicorum, Chaldaicorum, Syriacorum, Aethiopicorum, Arabicorum, Persicorum, Turcicorum, Copticorumque catalogus. Pars prima, Oxford: Clarendon, 1787, p. 200 (no. cmxx). — Fihrist. Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World:


\1v\ [formulae] وبعد فإنّ كتاب المجسطي لبطلميوس الذي هو عمدة النوع التعليميّ وقانون تحقيق الأرصاد لما كان متعلّق العبارة مع الإسهاب رأيت أن اختصره بنقل ألفاظه إلى ما يستعمله المحدّثون — \19v\ في رسم الجداول في حساب العروض 〈من〉 الجدول في ظهور الخمسة المتحيّرة واختفاءها. القول فيها كما تقدّم في الكواكب الثابتة.

= al-Khāzimī, Ikhtiṣār al-Majisṭī (C.1.13)

. — Title: al-Mukhtaṣar min Kitāb al-Majisṭī li-Baṭlamyūs (title page, 1r). — Index: preface, 1v–2v; Book I, 2v–5r; II, 5r–7r; III, 7r–8v; IV, 8v–9v; V, 9v–12r; VI, 12r–v; VII, 12v; VIII, 12v–13r; IX, 13r–15r; X, 15r–16v; XI, 16v; XII, 16v–18r; XIII, 18r–19v. — Dated scribal colophon (19v). Collation marks (e.g., 18r) and a statement of collation (19v); occasional glosses; marginal corrections indicated with siglum ṣḥ.