Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Or. 2804
Fragments of a single Arabic work. Undated; probably before 900/1500. Unknown origin, unknown scribe. A note ‘qiṭʿa min Zīj Rīdwān’ and underlined Hindu-Arabic number ‘666’ (1r, top margin). The manuscript was part of a huge lot sold by the Egyptian collector Amīn al-Madanī al-Hulwānī (d. 1898) to Brill in 1883, which in turn sold it to the Universiteitsbibliotheek (see Landberg and Ahmed El Shamsy, Rediscovering the Islamic Classics: How Editors and Print Culture Transformed an Intellectual Tradition, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022, p. 17). Old shelfmark: ‘Ar. 2162’ (front flyleaf).
Cod.: paper, 59 ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; older foliation of ff. 1–56 with Persian forms of Hindu-Arabic numerals mostly in the upper left part of rectos, running from ‘85’ to ‘147’ but skipping 101 to 107; bound in quaternions, written-out quire signatures in the top margin running from ‘11’ to ‘18’ with ‘16’ missing; no catchwords). A single black naskh hand. Mostly dotted ductus; some vowel marks, most tanwīns, few shaddas, rare hamzas; some bowls elongated, ascending strokes of kāfs frequently detached from the letter body. No book or chapter headings. Abjad numerals overlined. Diagram lines in red with letters in black. Codex in satisfactory condition; damage by insects throughout, minor water damage in the margins and in the body text of f. 57, stains (e.g., 11v–12r); margins and folds sometimes reinforced with tape, affecting the readability. Dimensions: not provided; 19 lines per page. Modern vinaceous covers. Type III binding.
Cont.: astronomy, music. —
Bibl.: Carlo Landberg, Catalogue de manuscrits arabes provenant d’une bibliothèque privée à el-Medina et appartenant à la maison E. J. Brill, Leiden: Brill, 1883, p. 130 (no 443); Petrus Voorhoeve, Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden and Other Collections in the Netherlands, Leiden: Universiteitsbibliotheek, 1957, p. 212; Jan Just Witkam, Inventory of the Oriental Manuscripts of the Library of the University of Leiden, Vol. III: Manuscripts Or. 2001 – Or. 3000, Leiden: Ter Lugt Press, 2008, p. 205. —
\1r\ || لأنّ زاوية د ب ا معلومة يبقي لب ه من القا{ئمة} معلومة ولذلك د ز ك معلو{مة} وزاويتا ل وك قائمة وهب بد معلومتان فمثلثا ب ه ل ب د ك معلومان وزب معلوم النسبة من ب ل ز ك لأنّه معلوم النسبة من ه ب ب د المتساويين فزل الباقي معلوم ول قائمة \57v\ — قد كان ما بينه وفيه وبين منكب السنبلة الج{…} أصبعين فوجب للتأريخ أن يكون في السنبلة ط ل وعرف أيضًا بعد{…} وسطا {…} فلمّا عرف هذا بين الم{ط}لوب بأشكال. فالشكل المبين || = Ibn Sīnā, Talkhīṣ al-Majisṭī (C.1.8)
, scattered fragments. — |