Tashkent, Abu Rayhon Beruniy nomidagi Sharqshunoslik Instituti, 464
undated, estimated 16th c. (Semenov).
Or.:unknown; unknown scribe(s).
Prov.:a small circular seal displaying the name ‘Muḥammad’ and dated 1013/1604-5 (1r). A note in Uzbek in Arabic script mentioning a Shaykh Jalīl … and a Ḥājjī Muḥammad, dated 25 Ṣafar 〈..〉20 (1r); a date 11 Rabīʿ al-awwal 〈..〉24 in Uzbek in Arabic script (1r). A larger circular seal featuring the name ʿAbd al-Wāsiʿ ʿArab Shāhī (?) (1r). A poem in Uzbek in Arabic script (1r); at least three different illegible statements (Ir and 1r). An anonymous note of endowment (IIv) and seals of endowment on nearly every folio, sometimes even twice or trice, dated 1236/1820-1. Two different stamps of the ‘Central Library for Popular Education’ of the ‘Zaravshan Oblast’, the Soviet administrative name of the region around the Uzbek city Karmana (Kermine) around 1925 (e.g., 1r with old shelfmark ‘1505’, 231r, 420r); library stamps of the ‘Uzbek State Scientific Research Institute’ at Samarqand (1r, 9r); stamps bearing the abbreviated old name of the Biruni Institute (1r, 420r). A long note on the Almagest and its commentaries in Uzbek in Arabic script in pencil, apparently by a scholar, dated 7 September 1965 (front doublure).
Cod.: Indian paper (Semenov), II+01–05+420+06–08 ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil, skipping ‘151’; an earlier foliation with Persian forms of Hindu-Arabic numerals in black, skipping ‘144’; catchwords, sometimes invisible due to restorations). Multiple hands: nastaʿlīq on ff. 1v–185v (according to Semenov, ‘an Indian scholar’s taʿlīq’), naskh on ff. 186r–420r, seemingly in different but very similar hands. Almost fully dotted ductus; occasional vowel marks, shaddas and hamzas. A thick naskh (284r–323v); almost fully dotted ductus; occasional vowel marks, shaddas and hamzas. The multiple hands and different styles might indicate that this codex was copied in a workshop. Book headings, chapter beginnings, and qawlu-hu in red. Abjad numerals overlined in reddish orange or black or without overlines in reddish orange. Diagram lines either in reddish orange with black geometrical points or vice versa; one diagram on a slip glued to the page (190r) and another in a repaired margin (299v). A small number of tables with lines and values in red or black. Codex in satisfactory condition; water damage in the upper margins; small wormholes on every folio, rarely affecting the readability; some stains and smudges (e.g., 295r); some margins and worm damage repaired, probably before the manuscript was endowed, since the corresponding stamps are also visible on repaired parts. Dimensions: 27.5×17 cm; 23 lines per page. Covers made of light brown leather, decorated with a lobed frame, borders, a lobed centre-piece with floral motifs and two pendants; covers damaged and spine reinforced. Type III binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: Aleksandr A. Semenov, Sobranie vostochnych rukopiseĭ Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoĭ SSR, vol. VI, Tashkent: Izdatelʹstvo Akademii Nauk UzSSR, 1963, pp. 87–89 (no. 4241, including an image of f. 129v on p. 89); Arabic tr. pp. 72–73 (no. 4241).
\1v\ الحمد للّه الذي جعلنا من المتفكّرين في خلق السموات والأرض وألهمن{…} معرفة مقادير حركات الأجرام النيّرة في الطول والعرض — \420r\ والحمد للّه أوّلًا وآخرًا وظاهرًا وباطنًا والصلوة والسلام على زبدة الليالي والأيّام محمّد سيّد الثقلين وخير الأنام وآله الأخيار العظام وشيعته الأبرار الأكرام. تمّت تمام. = al-Birjandī, Sharḥ Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.42)
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