London, British Library, Or. 10725
9th/15th c. (British Library).
Or.:unknown; unknown scribes.
Prov.:ownership statements by Yehūda ha-Kohen and Abraham ʿAkado (120r). Statement of purchase by ‘the young Yiṣḥaq’ (120r); a signature probably by ‘the young Yiṣḥaq’ (1r, 120r). Talismanic invocation in Judaeo-Arabic (1r); talismanic invocation in Arabic script (89v). Signature of M. Gaster (Moses Gaster, d. 1939, a Hebrew and Romance linguist, and a hakham in London), who sold the manuscript to the British Museum in 1924 (1r, 91v, 92r, and on f. 175v with the date 3.9.〈19〉07); handwritten accession date 3.12.〈19〉29 (175v); red stamp of the British Museum (1v, 175v). Old shelfmark: ‘Gaster 755’ (1r, spine).
Cod.: paper, II+175+IIa ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; catchwords on ff. 1v–89v). Two main hands: a quick Sefardi hand in brown (1v–83v), and a neat Sefardi hand in brown and partially in black (84r–175v). Several pages with a frame around the text (e.g., ff. 40–50). Book titles and beginnings of propositions in bold; additional basmala in Arabic script above the title of Book V (129r) and concluding sentences in primitive Arabic script with numerous mistakes at the end of Books VI (147v) and VIII (174r). Several diagrams with lines in brown and letters and labels in the same hand as the text; some spaces reserved for diagrams (e.g., 85v, 87r, 118r). Several tables with headings and entries occasionally in red or dark brown, otherwise in the same colour as the main text. Codex in acceptable condition; moisture stains throughout, not affecting the readability; restorations with pasted slips in the margins (e.g., 94v, 95v, 98v), folds (e.g., ff. 1, 14, 71), and body text (101v); some ink smudges. Dimensions: 208×147 mm, written area: 140×90 mm; number of lines per page between 27 and 42 (misṭara imprints, e.g., on ff. 173, 174). Red leather binding, blind-tooled and boxed.
Cont.: astronomy and astrology. —
Bibl.: Bernard R. Goldstein, The Astronomical Tables of Levi Ben Gerson, New Haven: The Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1974, here pp. 77 and 82–83; Richard P. Lorch, ‘The Manuscripts of Jābir b. Aflaḥ’s Treatise’, in Id., Arabic Mathematical Sciences. Instruments, Texts, Transmission, Aldershot / Brookfield: Variorum, 1995, ch. VII, 2 pp., here p. 1; Jacob Leveen, Joseph Rosenwasser and David Goldstein, Catalogue of Hebrew Manuscripts in the Gaster Collection, London: The British Library, 1996, entry ‘Or. 10725’; María José Parra Pérez, ‘A Previously Unnoticed Appendix in the Iṣlāḥ al-Majisṭī by Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’, Suhayl 15 (2016–2017), pp. 113–128, here p. 117. —
\92v\ אלמקאלה אלתאניה מן הדא אלכתאב למחמד גאבר בן אפלח קאל מחמד פנבדא אלאן בדכר מקאדמה֗֗ בטלמיוס {…} פי מראתב הדא אלעלם אן אול מא ינבגי אן נבדא בה הו אלנט֗ר פי ג֗מלה֗֗ חאל אלארץׄ ענד כל אלסמא — \175v\ והאדא אלדואיר מעדלה למבלג֗ אלאזואל פי אלערץׄ ויתחרך הדא אלקרב אלאקרב עלי מחיט הדא אלדאירה אלצגירה עלי אסתוא חרכה מסאויה לחרכה אלטול אלוסטי ויעוד כחרכתה סטח פלך אלתד{ויר}. \92v\ المقالة الثانية من هذا الكتاب لمحمّد جابر بن أفلح قال محمّد فنبدأ الآن بذكر مقادمة بطلميوس {…} في مراتب هذا العلم أنّ أوّل ما ينبغي أن نبدأ به هو النظر في جملة حال الأرض عند كلّ السماء — \175v\ وهذا الدوائر معدّلة لمبلغ الأزوال في العرض ويتحرّك هذا القرب الأقرب على محيط هذا الدائرة الصغيرة على استواء حركة مساوية لحركة الطول الوسطى ويعود كحركته سطح فلك الت{دوير}. = Jābir ibn Aflaḥ, al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa (C.1.14)
, Judaeo-Arabic. — |