London, British Library, Or. 11190
Dhū l-qaʿda 485/December 1092 (colophon, 205r). This is one of the earliest surviving copies of (part of) Ibn Sīnā’s Kitāb al-Shifāʾ.
Or.:unknown; unknown copyist.
Prov.:A statement of ownership by ʿIffit Efendi dated 1166/1752-3 (1r); a seal of ownership by the same ʿIffit Efendi dated 1170/1756-7 (1r; Mühür veritabanı, no. 551). Two very common seals of ownership by the Ottoman bibliophile, collector and poet Ḥājj Muṣṭafā Ṣidqī (d. 1183/1769), one dated 1179/1765-6, the other displaying a Quranic phrase (1r; Mühür veritabanı, nos 24 and 30; see also DerocheFrançois Déroche, Islamic Codicology. An Introduction to the Study of Manuscripts in Arabic Scripts, London: Al-Furqān Islamic Heritage Foundation, 2005, p. 341, Fig. 133). A subtraction in red, computing the age of the codex in 1182/1768-9 (205r). A statement of ownership by a certain ʿUthmān … ʿAbdallāh dated 〈1〉183/1769-1770 (Ir). A statement of ownership by the physician Muṣṭafā Masʿūd dated 〈1〉214/1799-1800 (Ir). Three partially faded and illegible statements, probably featuring the following names: ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Tamīmī, ʿAlī b. Faḍl Allāh, and ʿAbdallāh Čelebī (all 1r). An erased seal (205r) and at least two illegible statements (1r). This manuscript was bought from Oskar Rescher (d. 1972) on 12 April 1930 (note on the first back flyleaf). Stamps of the British Museum (1v, 205v).
Cod.: paper, I+205+Ia ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; no catchwords). A single black naskh hand. Almost fully dotted ductus, frequent vowel marks and shaddas, but no hamzas. Some lines partially or fully crossed out (e.g., 105v, 126r, 136r). Headings of books in black (sometimes faded, probably due to sulfurization) and bold thuluth. Diagram lines in red with letters in black; some diagrams partially drawn over the text (e.g., 55v, 64r–v, 66r). Abjad numerals overlined. Codex in good condition; slight moisture damage and wormholes in the margins; occasional damage of the paper surface, affecting the readability (e.g., ff. 1 and 141); some restorations with pieces of paper (e.g., 1r). Dimensions: 15×21 cm; 18–20 lines per page. Darkish red leather covers of the British Museum. Type III binding, previously type II (traces of the flap on f. Ir).
Cont.: astronomy, arithmetic, music. —
Bibl.: Yaḥyā Mahdawī, Fihrist-i nuskhahā-yi muṣannafāt-i Ibn-i Sīnā, Tehran: Dānishgāh-yi Tihrān, 1954, p. 172 (incorrectly refers to this codex as MS 1190); Amos Bertolacci, ‘Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ (Book of the Cure/Healing). The Manuscripts Preserved in Turkey and Their Significance’, Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 57 (2017–2018) [special issue The Reception of Classical Arabic Philosophy in the Ottoman Empire. Proceedings of the Workshop Held by the International Associated Laboratory “Philosophie dans l’aire ottomane,” 2-4 November 2014], pp. 265–304, here pp. 303–304.
\1v\ وقد حان لنا أن نورد جوامع كتاب بطلميوس الكبير المعمول في المجسطي وعلم الهيئة \142r\ — أنّ الرصد الحديث أخرج مقادير الخطوط الواصلة ونسب أقطار أفلاك التداوير مخالفة بشيء يسير لما أوجبه بطليموس (كذا) لكنّا وراء أن يتحقّق ذلك برصد نحاوله نرجو أن نبلغ في استقصائه ما لم يبلغ قبلنا بعون اللّه وحسن توفيقه. = Ibn Sīnā, Talkhīṣ al-Majisṭī (C.1.8)
, with the appendix. — |