New York, Columbia University – Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Smith Hebr. 〈1〉
Incomplete single work: Judaeo-Arabic. Undated, probably 11th/17th c. (CLIO). Unknown origin; unknown scribe. Handwritten shelfmark ‘Smith MS Hebr’ (1r). This manuscript was donated to the Columbia University Library by the mathematician and historian of science David Eugene Smith (d. 1944) between 1931 and 1934 (Bertha Margaret Frick, ‘The David Eugene Smith Mathematical Library of Columbia University’, Osiris 1 (1936), pp. 79–84).
Cod.: paper, 5 ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; catchword only on f. 1v). A cursive Sephardic hand in dark brown without any use of other colours; titles large and in bold. Several diagrams with lines and letters in the same colour as the main text. No tables. Codex in bad condition; the text is partially blurred and illegible; moisture stains throughout, in some cases affecting the readability of the text; severe damage caused by insects in the margins. Dimensions: 22×15 cm; 28 lines per page.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: Bernard R. Goldstein, review of GAS VI, Isis 71 (1980), pp. 341–342. —
\4v\ — Incipit illegible. פתכון זאויה מבדא אלראמי תלך אלאג֗זא וכל ואחדה מן זאו{יה} ראס אלתומאן וראס אלדלו מא יבקי לתמאם כל ואחד מן תלך אלקאימתאן ובהדא {…} נעלם אג֗זא זואיא אצגר מן תלך {…} וקד יתבין דלך באלטריק אלאכר מן קבל {…} זואיא אלאפק אלמאיל מע אלברוג֗ אד זואיא נצף אלנהאר הי בעי{נה} {…} {אנתצף}. \4v\ فتكون زاوية مبدأ الرامي تلك الأجزاء وكلّ واحدة من زاو{ية} رأس التوأمان ورأس الدلو ما يبقى لتمام كلّ واحد من تلك القائمتان وبهذا {…} نعلم أجزاء زوايا أصغر من تلك {…} وقد يتبيّن ذلك بالطريق الآخر من قبل {…} زوايا الأفق المائل مع البروج إذ زوايا نصف النهار هي بعي{نه} {…} {انتصف}. = 〈Sharḥ al-Majisṭī〉 (C.1.41)
, Judaeo-Arabic. — |