Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, 18678-18681

s. XIV (12th-13th c. acc. Lemay).


Heverlee (Leuven), Park Abbey.

Parchment, 121 f., composite MS made of four parts (f. 1-10, 11-57, 59-98 and 99-121). Each part is copied by a single hand, except the first one, whose text was supplemented on f. 1v and 8r-10r by the same hand that copied the third part.

Astrology and geography: table of contents, 15th or 16th c. (1r); Ptolemaica (1va-10ra); Solinus, De mirabilibus mundi (11r-57r); Ptolemaica (59r-98v); Alcabitius, Introductorius (99r-121v). Blank: 10v, 57v-58v.

Bibl. P. Thomas, Catalogue des manuscrits classiques latins de la Bibliothèque Royale de Bruxelles, Gand, 1896, 95-96; R. Calcoen, Inventaire des manuscrits scientifiques de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, IV, Bruxelles, 1980 [unpublished], no. 531; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 336-338.


‘Ptho<lomeus> dixit quod stelle cum caudis sunt 9 — in regibus et divitibus apparebit.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, De cometis (B.4)

, added on a page originally blank by the same hand that copied the end of the Centiloquium (see below) and f. 59-98. No glosses.


‘Dixerunt Ptho<lomeus> et Hermes quod locus Lune in hora qua — fuit expertus multotiens.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Dixerunt Ptolemeus et Hermes quod locus Lune... (B.5)

, added on a page originally blank by the same hand that copied the end of the Centiloquium (see below) and f. 59-98. No glosses.


‘Mundanorum ad hoc et ad illud mutatio corporum celestium… Scientia astrorum ex te et illis est… Quod dixit Ptolomeus, ex te et illis, significat quod qui res futuras — et ego Deum deprecor ut te dilligat. Perfecta est libri translatio iam (!) die mensis Marcii et dicte (?) mensis I<m>medi (?) secundi anno 530. Expliciunt verba Ptho<lomei>.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (‘Mundanorum’ version) (C.3.1.3)

, up to v. 79 (here numbered 80) by the first hand, then continued (f. 8ra) by the same hand that copied f. 59-98, starting with the commentary on v. 79. No glosses.


‘Capitulum primum in collectione intellectus sciencie iudiciorum astrorum. Capitulum secundum… Incipit Quadripartitus Ptho<lomei>. Rerum, Yesure, in quibus est pronosticabilis sciencie stellarum perfectio magnas et precipuas duas esse deprehendimus — in hoc loco huic libro finem imponere non incongruum existimamus. Explicit Deo gratias.’

= Ptolemy, Quadripartitum (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (A.2.1)

. I, 59r-69r; II, 69r-78r; III, 78r-91r; IV, 91r-98v. Substantial glosses by the scribe on every page, some of which are borrowed from Haly Abenrudian.