Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, VIII C 33

s. XVIex (f. 21r-300r written in 1582, cf. f. 152r and 300r).


University of Salamanca, autograph copy of Jerόnimo Muñoz, who annotated the MS until at least 1589.

Paper, 300 f., a single hand.

Astronomy: astronomical tables and notes (5r-20v), including tables for latitude 39°30′ (5r, 7r), one table for 1474 (7v) and ‘Tabulae ecclipsium (!) Lunae auctore Hieronymo Munos’ dated 1578 (15r-19r); Ptolemaica (21r-300r). Blank: 1-4, 300v.

Bibl. P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, I, London-Leiden, 1977, 424.


‘Theonis Alexandrini commentaria in primum lib<rum> Mathematicae constructionis Ptolemei. Prooemium. Assiduo rogatus ab auditoribus, fili Epiphanie, dictarem aliqua in ea que, inquam (?), videntur ex Mathematica Ptolemaei constructione difficilia — descriptionum tabularum proportionalis supputando. Die 17 veteri calculo, 27 die vero novo Octobris mensis, anni 1582, decima hora antemeridiana, absolvebat Salmanticae Hieronymus Munos, cathedraticus astrologie gymnasii Salmanticen<sis>, translationem commentariorum Theonis Alexandrini in Magnam constructionem Cl<audii> Ptolemaei. Finis commentariorum Theonis Alexandri quae quidem (?) extant in Latinam linguam translatorum.’

= Theon of Alexandria, 〈Commentum in Almagesti〉 (tr. Jerόnimo Muñoz) (C.1.30.5)

. Theon’s preface, 21r-22r; Book I, 22r-74v; II, 75r-114v; III, 115r-152r (followed by Muñoz’s additions, 152r-173v, with mention ‘Auctore Hieronymo Munos Valentino in gymnasio Salmanticensi publico astrologiae professore, anno 1582 die secunda mensis Augusti absolvebantur Salmanticae 6 hora a meridie’ on f. 152r); IV, 174r-190r (followed by Muñoz’s additions, 190r-194v); V, 195r-221v; VI, 222r-251r; VII, 251v-253v (followed by ‘De inveniendis veris locis stellarum fixarum et planetarum et reliquorum corporum in celo apparentium liber a auctore Hieronymo Munos astrologie in gymnasio Salmanticensi publico professore’, 254r-272v); VIII, 273r-278r; IX, 278v-289r; X, 289r-293r (end missing, cf. f. 293r: ‘Desunt in hoc loco usque ad finem decimi et commentaria totum undecimum et ex initio duodecimi aliqua et non invenitur prorsus. Verba sunt Bessarionis cardinalis que si potuisset invenire reliqua in Grecia non ommisisset’); XII, 293r-294v (beginning missing, see above); XIII, 294v-300r. Muñoz’s commentary, corrections and notes appear both in the text and in the margins.