Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Fondo antico lat. Z. 328 (1760)

s. XV2.


MS prepared for Cardinal Bessarion probably under Regiomontanus’s supervision.


Cardinal Bessarion (cf. inner front cover, f. Iv and title added in his hand f. 1r); Hieronymus Venerius in 1722 (ex-libris f. Iv).

Parchment, I+157 f., a single neat hand, painted initials f. 1r and 2v, decorated initials.

Astronomy: table of contents, Regiomontanus’s hand (Iv); Ptolemaica (1r-117v); Menelaus, Spherica (120r-157r); ‘Extra. Omnis trianguli arcubus circulorum magnorum in superfitie spherae…’ (157r-157v). Blank: 118r-119v.

Bibl. J. Valentinelli, Bibliotheca manuscripta ad S. Marci Venetiarum. Codices MSS. Latini, IV, Venezia, 1871, 249-251 (XI.63); A. A. Björnbo, Studien über Menelaos’ Sphärik. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sphärik und Trigonometrie der Griechen, Leipzig, 1902, 143; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, II, London-Leiden, 1977, 213; E. Zinner, Regiomontanus: His Life and Work, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo, 1990 (tr. from Leben und Wirken des Joh. Müller von Königsberg, genannt Regiomontanus, Osnabrück, 1968, with supplements), 213 (no. 51); A. Rigo, ‘Bessarione, Giovanni, Regiomontano e i loro studi su Tolomeo a Venezia e Roma (1462-1464)’, Studi Veneziani, N. S. 21 (1991), 49-110: 80; J. Monfasani, ‘Bessarion Scholasticus’: A Study of Cardinal Bessarion’s Latin Library, Turnhout, 2011, 133-134.


‘Magistri Ioannis de Kunigsperg prohemium in epitomam Almagesti sive Magne constructionis Ptolemaei, factam partim per eum, partim per magistrum Georgium de Peurbach et dedicatam reverendissimo domino cardinali Nicaeno [title added by Bessarion in upper margin]. Admiranti michi saepenumero vel potius graviter et inique serenti tam raros esse etate nostra optimarum… (2v) Epitoma primi libri Ptolemaei. Recte profecto meo iudicio nobiliores philosophi, o Syre, distinxerunt inter theoricam philosophie et practicam partem — quod postremo hoc in theoreumate explorare et coepto labori modum statuere decrevimus. Finis terciidecimi.’

= Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitome Almagesti (C.1.21)

. Preface, 1r-2r; I, 2v-12r; II, 12r-20v; III, 21r-31r; IV, 31v-38v; V, 39r-50r; VI, 50v-61r; VII, 61v-66r; VIII, 66v-72v; IX, 73r-82v; X, 83r-91v; XI, 92r-100r; XII, 100v-105r; XIII, 105v-117v. No glosses.