Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2388

s. XIIIex-XIVin (Stefan Georges, private communication).


f. 8-55 (and perhaps f. I-6) are copied by English hands.


Matthias Corvinus (1443-1490).

Parchment, I+56 f., a single hand copied the core of the MS (f. 8-52). F. I-6 and 55-56 (two hands, contemporary with f. 8-52) form one unit which was added to the MS at a later stage.

Astrology, astronomy and medicine (f. 8-52): Ptolemaica (8r-22v); Alfraganus, De scientia astrorum, tr. John of Seville (23ra-40ra); ‘Tractatus quidam de regimine principum. Nota ad universalem notitiam hic de regimine principum…’ (40ra-52ra). The added parts contain the chapter index of a theological work (Iv-5r) and fragments of a biblical commentary (5r-6r and 55r-56v). Blank: Ir, 6v-7v, 52v-54v.

Bibl. Tabulae codicum manu scriptorum praeter Graecos et Orientales in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi asservatorum, II: Cod. 2001-3500, Wien, 1868, 66; C. Csapodi, The Corvinian Library. History and Stock, Budapest, 1973, 336 (no. 553); C. Csapodi , ‘Codices, die im Jahre 1686 von Buda nach Wien geliefert wurden’, Codices Manuscripti 7 (1981), 121-127: 125; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 387-388.


‘Centiloquium Ptolomei. <M>undanorum ad hoc et ad illud mutatio corporum celestium… Scientia namque astrorum ex te et illis est… Scientia stellarum ex te et illis est. Astrologus non debet dicere rem specialiter sed universaliter… Quod dixit Ptholomeus, ex te et illis, significat quod que res futuras prenoscere desiderat — et quanto melius quivimus exposuimus. Explicit. B.’


‘<P>tholomeus in hoc libro tricas et tricarum nomina ponit… Stelle cum caudis sunt IX que mundum movent — in regibus et princibus apparebit. Et hec de cometis breviter distinximus, sicut de conceptus et nativitatis hora dicendum.’


‘<D>ixerunt Ptholomeus et Hermes quod Lune locus in hora — et hoc expertus fuit multotiens.’