Tunis, Dār al-kutub al-waṭaniyya, 7116
Jumādā l-thāniya 478/September-October 1085 (237v).
Or.:al-Andalus; unknown scribe; copied from an exemplar that had been collated with a copy by Abū l-Qāsim al-Munajjim, who copied and corrected his copy from an exemplar belonging to the famous astronomer Abū l-Ḥusayn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. ʿUmar al-Ṣūfī (d. 376/986), author of the Ṣuwar al-kawākib (Ir, 237v).
Prov.:a title in Romance, or Latin influenced by Romance, Almagest de Tol〈ome〉o, probably in a hand of the 7th/13th or 8th/14th century (IIr). A reading statement by the astronomer and astrologer Aḥmad b. Aḥmad b. Timurbāy (fl. 9th/15th century) based in Mamlūk Cairo (237v). A statement by Sulaymān al-Rū〈m〉ī, who may have been a Ḥanafī professor at Ankara, Istanbul and Edirne, disciple of al-Taftāzānī, with an interest in the intellectual sciences and who died in 937/1530-1 (237v; on him, see Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu and Maḥmūd al-Arnāʾūṭ, Ḥājjī Khalīfa. Sullam al-wuṣūl ilā ṭabaqāt al-fuḥūl, 6 vols, Istanbul: OIC/IRCICA, 2010, vol. II, p. 152, no. 1976). A statement of ownership by the Ottoman astronomer Taqī l-Dīn b. Maʿrūf (d. 993/1585) dated Rajab 982/October-November 1574 in Qusṭanṭiniyya (IIr, 1r). A gloss dated 1885 according to the era of Alexander (i.e., 982/1574), in a hand different from Taqī l-Din b. Maʿrūf’s (35r). A gloss in Persian (Iv). A statement of collation written with a broad pen and watery black ink by Muḥammad al-Ṭayyib Yūsufī (?) dated Shawwāl 1209/April-May 1795 (or possibly Shawwāl 1299/August-September 1882). A statement of ownership by the Tunisian judge and mufti Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. al-Khūja (d. 1313/1896; on him, see ZiriklīKhayr al-Dīn al-Ziriklī, Al-ʾAlām. Qāmūs tarājim li-ashhar al-rijāl wa-l-nisāʾ min al-ʿArab wa-l-mustaʿribīn wa-l-mustashriqīn, 8 vols, 15th ed., Beirut: Dār al-ʿilm li-l-malāyīn, 2002, vol. I, p. 248) dated 2 Rabīʿ al-thānī 1276/29 October 1859, probably in Tunis where he lived all his life (Ir).
Cod.: brown paper, II+237+Ia ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; foliated with western abjad numerals in the scribe’s hand, clearly visible on the scans only from f. 11r onwards and always 2 more than the foliation in pencil; the book to which every page belongs is indicated in abjad notation in the scribe’s hand at the center top; folios within each book numbered with ghubār numerals in the scribe’s hand at the top left of rectos; catchwords in a black eastern naskh hand). A single clear andalusī hand in brown; at times the hand becomes faster and slightly cursive; partially dotted ductus, no vowels and hardly any hamzas or shaddas. References in the body text to points in diagrams are given with full letter names (e.g., ‘point bāʾ’ instead of ‘point B’); some ghubār numerals in red (42r, 56r, 145r, 146r–v, 147v–148r). Centered book headings in bold; centered chapter headings in bold in dark brown; chapters indicated with bold abjad notation in the margin in the scribe’s hand. Substantial tables and diagrams mostly in the same brown ink of the main text, except labels in diagrams on ff. 140r–141r, 149v–151r, 153v, 154v, and 155v in purple in the scribe’s hand, and some abjad notation and labels in tables (10r, 10v, 32v). Codex in acceptable condition; moisture stains and worm-eaten throughout; scattered ink smudges. Dimensions: 275×192 mm, written area: 266×184 mm; 28–29 lines per page. Covers in brown leather over paper pasteboards with a blind-stamped almond-shaped medallion with vegetal motives; frame with fillets; covers reinforced with a leather frame. Type II binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: Paul Kunitzsch, Der Almagest. Die Syntaxis Mathematica des Claudius Ptolemäus in arabisch-lateinischer Überlieferung, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1974, pp. 27–30, 38–41, 68, Tafeln III–V, etc.; GAS VIFuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Vol. VI: Astronomie bis ca. 430 H., Leiden: Brill, 1978, p. 89; Paul Kunitzsch, Claudius Ptolemäus. Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, 3 vols, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986–1991, vol. I, pp. 10–12; Jamāl b. Ḥamāda, Al-Fihris al-ʿāmm li-l-makhṭūṭāt. Al-juz’ al-thāmin, al-qism al-awwal, Tunis: Dār al-kutub al-waṭaniyya, 1994, p. 40; José Bellver, ‘Looted Libraries and Legitimation Policies: Ptolemy, the Library of al-Arawšī and the Translation Movement in Toledo’, Arabica 68 (2021), pp. 628–661.
\1v\ جمل ما في المقالة الأولى من كتاب بطلميوس القلوذي المنسوب إلى التعاليم وهو الكتاب الكبير المعروف بالمجسطي ترجمة من اللسان اليوناني إلى اللسان العربي لأبي الصفر إسمعيل بن بلبل إسحق بن حنين بن إسحق المتطبب وصحّه ثابت بن قرة الحراني — \237v\ فإذ قد استتممنا هذه المعاني أيضا يا سورس فاستكملنا جميع ما يحتاج أن نرشد إلى علمه في هذا الكتاب بقدر منتهى علمي ومبلغ رأي إلا الشاذ منها بقدر ما أعاننا عليه الزمان الذي تناهى إلينا على وجود ما يحتاج إلى وجوده وذلك أو تقويم ما يحتاج إلى تقويمه وتصحيحه منه وبقدر ما يكون ما دوناه منه نافعا فقط في هذا العلم من غير أن نلتمس به التكبر والافتخار فقد يليق ويحسن أن نجعل هذا آخر الكتاب. تمت المقالة الثالثة عشرة من كتاب بطلميوس المنسوب إلى التعاليم وهي با قولًا وبتمامها تمّ جميع الكتاب. وهو الكتاب المعروف بالمجسطي. = Ptolemy, al-Majisṭī (tr. Isḥāq b. Ḥunayn/Thābit b. Qurra) (A.1.2)
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