Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Or. oct. 3031
the colophon is dated, but the year is partially erased; the date may be 19 Dhū l-ḥijja 852 (?)/22 February 1449 (299v); the earliest dated statement of ownership is from 888/1483-4 (see below).
Or.:unknown, probably Persian; unknown scribe.
Prov.:undated statement of ownership by Awḥad b. Muḥammad b. Jamāl al-Balyānī (?), later al-Nasawī (fl. 9th/15th century, author of the Tuḥfat al-ikhwān fī l-asṭurlāb in MS Istanbul, Topkapı, Ahmet III 3483; he should not be mistaken for the later Persian poet al-Awḥidī Balyānī; Balyān is some 100 km east of Shiraz). Statement of ownership by the later judge of Istanbul and Edirne and bibliophile with a library of 7000 volumes, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. ʿAlī b. Muʾayyad al-Rūmī al-Amāsī, known as Muʾayyad-zāda (d. 922/1516), dated 888/1483-4 in Shiraz, where he had pursued his studies under al-Dawwānī (1r; on him, see the EI²P. J. Bearman et al. (eds), The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition, 11 vols plus supplement and index, Leiden: Brill, 1960–2004 article ‘Muʾayyad-Zāde’ by Th. Menzel). A teardrop-shaped seal erased with an inkblot and an additional unidentified circular seal (1r). An Ottoman seal with the tughra of sultan Ahmet III (r. 1703–1730) with motto al-ḥamdu li-llāh alladhī hadānā li-hadhā wa-mā kunnā li-nahtadiya law-lā an hadānā Allāh (Qurʾān 7:43) (1v). A seal dated 〈1〉282/1865-6 by al-Sayyid Muḥammad Tawfīq (2r; he was a professor known as Islāmbūlī in 〈Dār〉 al-Khilāfa al-ʿaliyya, i.e., Istanbul, cf. the ownership statement and seal with the same calligraphy in MS Dublin, Chester Beatty, Ar. 3575, f. 1r, dated 1298/1880-1).
Cod.: laid paper, I+299+Ia ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; catchwords, sometimes trimmed). A single clear black naskh hand; ductus not consistently dotted, no shaddas, hamzas or vowels. Numerals in abjad notation in black without overlines. Book headings in red; chapter headings in red introduced by the term faṣl; text quoted from Ṭūsī’s Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī introduced with formulaic qawlu-hu in red; text by Nīsābūrī introduced by formulaic aqūlu in red, but spaces for headings and the above formulae are mostly left empty after f. 125r. Substantial diagrams with lines in black, geometrical points in red, and labels in black and red. Few tables with lines in black, headings in red and black, and geometrical points in red and black. Codex in very good condition; only very few moisture stains, damage due to erased seals on f. 1. Dimensions: 23.5×12.5 cm, written area 14.5×7.2 cm; 23 lines per page. Cover in brown leather over paper pasteboards; blind-stamped medallion on covers and flap; frame with four fillets; blind stamped decoration in corners. Type II binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: GAS VIFuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Vol. VI: Astronomie bis ca. 430 H., Leiden: Brill, 1978, p. 93. —
\1v\ السعد قرين من صدر كـلامه بالحمد لواهب السعادة واليمن رسيل من أعلق يمينه بشكر تمتري الزيادة فأحمده على ما أولانا من النعم ذات الطول والعرض — \299v\ وأن ينعم عليه لحظه فلحظه سعادة ويسرى ويجدّد له ساعة فساعة كرامة وبشرى ويرحم الله عبدا قال أمينا. = Niẓām al-Dīn al-Ḥasan al-Nīsābūrī, Tafsīr Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.38)
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