Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania – Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, LJS 268
10 Jumādā l-thāniya 783; the manuscript also mentions the equivalent dates 13 Ellul 5141 in the Jewish calendar and 2 September 1381 in the Julian calendar (185r).
Or.:Saragossa, Aragon; copied by Aḥmad b. Aḥmad b. Salāma al-Ṣ.n…ānī al-Hājirānī/al-Hājirī for his teacher Abū Isḥāq Yaʿqub b. Isḥāq b. Yaʿqub known as Ibn al-Qursunuh al-Isrāʾīlī (Yacob ben Isaac al-Corsono), astronomer of King Pedro IV of Aragon and Count (wālī) of Barcelona (185r).
Prov.:statement of ownership by Aḥmad b. Mubārak (Ir); statement of ownership by Muḥammad al-Rāyis (Ir). Statement of ownership by Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥayy b. ʿAbd al-Kabīr al-Kittānī al-Ḥasanī (d. 1962; on him, see the EI²P. J. Bearman et al. (eds), The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition, 11 vols plus supplement and index, Leiden: Brill, 1960–2004 article ‘al-Kattānī’ by A. Faure), based in Fes (Ir). Offered in 1330/1912 (‘547 〈lunar〉 years after the date of copying’) by ‘the Sharīf’, probably Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥayy b. ʿAbd al-Kabīr al-Kittānī al-Ḥasanī, an Idrīsī sharīf, as a present to Eugène Regnault (d. 1933), French plenipotentiary minister in Tangier, probably on the signature of the Treaty of Fez (30 March 1912) as a result of which Morocco became a French protectorate, or on his departure in 1913 from his position in Morocco (Ir, Iav)
Cod.: brown paper, I+185+Ia ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil at the centre bottom of rectos, skipping 38–49 due to a lost quire, and with 102 to 160 crossed out and 160 repeated; an additional foliation with Arabic-European numerals at the centre bottom of rectos in an attempt to restore the correct order of ff. 102–160, not used by us; furthermore foliated with ghubār numerals in the outer margin of versos; no catchwords). A single elegant clear andalusī hand in brown. Fully dotted ductus; no hamzas and occasional vowels and shaddas, particularly in titles; the vocalization shows dialectal characteristics. Abjad notation without overlines; references in the body text to points in diagrams given with abjad notation in full letter names (e.g., point bāʾ instead of point B). Centered book and chapter headings in red; words introducing new sections in bold red; colophon in red. Substantial diagrams mostly in red with geometrical points in brown. Tables in brown and red; few blank spaces for tables. Codex in bad condition; moisture stains and worm-eaten throughout; major restorations with pasted paper. Dimensions: 280×215 mm, written area: 220×150 mm; 36 lines per page. Covers in reddish leather over paper pasteboards with a blind-stamped almond-shaped medallion in Moroccan style with vegetal motives. Type II binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: Paul Kunitzsch, ‘A Hitherto Unknown Arabic Manuscript of the Almagest’, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 14 (2001), pp. 31–37; Crofton Black, Transformation of Knowledge. Early Manuscripts from the Collection of Lawrence J. Schoenberg, London: Paul Holberton, 2006, pp. 52–53. —
\1v\ جمل ما في المقالة الأولى من كتاب بطليموس القلوذي المنسوب إلى التعاليم المعروف بكتاب المجسطي ثلثة عشر نوعًا. = Ptolemy, al-Majisṭī (tr. Isḥāq b. Ḥunayn/Thābit b. Qurra) (A.1.2)
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