Cairo, Dār al-kutub, hayʾa Talʿat 43
colophons dated between Wednesday, 30 Ramaḍān 670/20 April 1272 (Book III, 26v) and Wednesday, 9 Rabīʿ al-awwal 673/12 September 1274 (Book VIII, 65v); later additions dated 898/1492-3 (1r, 91v).
Or.:probably Maragha, copied by Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad al-ʿUrḍī (d. after 1288), son of Muʾayyad al-Dīn al-ʿUrḍī (colophons on ff. 26v, 34v). A note on the title page reads: ‘transmitted (nāqil-hā) by the son (walad, probably inserted later) of Shaykh Muʾayyad al-Dīn al-ʿUrḍī al-Muhandis’ (1r). At least one substantial text portion (ff. 9–10) and values in some tables (esp., f. 16r) were supplemented by Muḥammad b. Abī l-Fatḥ al-Ṣūfī (d. 1543), whose student Taqī l‐Dīn Muḥammad b. Maʿrūf (d. 1585) may have brought the manuscript to Constantinople (91v).
Prov.:previous ownership statements mostly erased and pasted over with slips of paper. Partially visible waqf seals by Kara Muṣṭafā Paşa (85r, probably erased on ff. 72r and 91r; no. 61 in Vakıf mühürleri) and Alī Seḥā (1v and 2r, no. 116 in Vakıf mühürleri) indicate that the manuscript was in Constantinople between 1091/1680 and 1186/1772-3. Another partially smudged round seal on f. 1r. Old shelfmarks: ‘hayʾa Ṭalʿat 16’ (1r, crossed out) and ‘hayʾa 6900’ (Iv).
Cod.: oriental paper, I+91+I ff. (foliated with Persian forms of Hindu-Arabic numerals, with an inlaid sheet after f. 66; quire signatures [‘thānī’, ‘thālith’, …] in the upper left corner of every tenth recto; catchwords only on ff. 8v–10v for the part supplemented by al-Ṣūfī). A very neat naskh hand, mostly dotted; hamzas and shaddas occasionally indicated; tashkīl on the first three folios often provided, then mostly omitted. Characteristic textual dividers or line fillers in the form of one or more Arabic hāʾ (intihāʾ), often followed by a combination of inverted commas and dots (e.g., 13v, 33r). On some folios the script is hastier with varying composition of the ink causing colour changes from brown to black (see a gradual change in script and colour on f. 27r). Additions by al-Ṣūfī in a less careful and irregular naskh; mostly dotted, hamzas and shaddas occasionally indicated, hardly any tashkīl; Arabic hā’ (intihāʾ) in the form of a circle with central dot as textual dividers (e.g., margin of 1v, 10r). Oversized book headings in bold black thuluth (Books I–VIII) and in Early ʿAbbāsid script (Books IX–XIII), chapter headings and paragraph beginnings rubricated. Chapter beginnings additionally introduced by overlined bold abjad numerals in black; subsections numbered with red overlined abjad numerals in the margins. Hindu-Arabic and abjad numbers in the main text with overlines and occasionally rubricated. A rosette (52r). Numerous diagrams with lines in black and red, epicycles occasionally filled with colour (yellow 30r, green 36r, and red 37r). Numerous tables, sometimes incomplete (19r–20r, 68v–70v) or omitted (90r), with red double lines, abjad notation in black, and headers in red and black. Codex in good condition; some folds repaired with slips of paper; water damage in the lower margins and minor damage caused by insects, occasionally affecting the readability. Dimensions: 22×12 cm; mostly 35 lines per page. Dark brown leather covers with decorative frames and blind stamped corner pieces, small blind-stamped central element in diamond shape; doublures decorated with Dalgalı Ebru. Type II binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: David A. King, Fihris al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿilmiyya al-maḥfūẓa bi-Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyya, 2 vols, Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organisation, 1981–1986, vol. I, p. 530; vol. II, pp. 6–7 (no. 1/1/6); LAMTMª José Parra, ‘A List of Arabic Manuscripts of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī’, Suhayl 16–17 (2018–2019), pp. 251–322, pp. 263–265 (no. 19) and 312.
\1v\ أحمد الله مبدأ كلّ مبدأ وغاية كلّ غاية ومفيض كلّ خير ووليّ كلّ هداية وأرجو حسن توفيقه في كلّ بداية ونهاية — فلنختم الكتاب وأقول: وإذ وفّقني الله تعالى أيضًا لإتمام ما قصدته وإنجاز ما وعدته فلأقطع الكلام حامدًا له على آلائه ومصلّيًا على جميع أوليائه خصوصًا على خاتم اىتيابه (؟) والبردة من آله وأحبائي. = Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.18)
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\66bisr\ ا كوكب الرأس وب كوكب الزحل وفي المجسطي لأوّل سنة من ملك أنطونينس طول ا وعرضه — \66bisr\ فخرج الطول زائدا على ما أخذه بطلميوس بسبع وعشرين دقيقة والعرض زائدا على ما أخذه خمس وعشرين دقيقة فعرفنا أنّه قد تساهل فيه فعمل على التقريب دون التحقيق وذلك ما أردناه. = Fī Shakl al-zuhara fī l-faṣl al-thānī min al-maqāla al-ʿāshira min al-Majisṭī (C.1.18c)
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