Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Cairo, Dār al-kutub, akhlāq Taymūr 290

[Black-and-white microfilm scans of the textblock; colour scanned images of the Ptolemaic section; inspected by Flora Vafea.]
Collection of 21 works: Arabic.  Date:

undated; 6th/12th c. (Sezgin), c. 600/1200 (King), 14th c. (Cheikho, Notice), before c. 1400 (Ṣafā), 8th–9th/14th–15th c. (Kraus).


unknown; unknown scribe.


an undated collation statement (p. 189); owned by Jirjis Ṣafā, a Maronite lawyer in Beirut, by 1897 (Cheikho, Notice) and by Aḥmad Taymūr Paşa by 1920 (Cheikho, Risālat Dāmistyūs); an oval stamp unreadable on the scans available to us (p. 369).

Cod.: Oriental yellowish paper, 370 pp. (paginated with Hindu-Arabic numerals in pencil in the upper outer margin; all pages from 196 onwards numbered one too low, corrected only up to p. 235, so that from there on rectos have even numbers; quire numbers in the top left margin of the respective first rectos, middle of the quires marked with hamza in the same position; catchwords). A single clear black naskh hand; mostly dotted ductus, some shaddas, hamzas only when isolated, occasional vowels. Titles and textual dividers in red. Some glosses and marginalia (occasionally trimmed) by the main scribe and at least one further naskh hand. Codex apparently in good condition; some ink stains not affecting the readability except on pp. 364–369; numerous folios lost before (e.g., between pp. 303 and 304 in the Ptolemaic work) and after (pp. 45–46, 55–56, 286–287, and 356–359) the insertion of pagination; damaged margins restored, binding reinforced with paper slips. Dimensions: 25×16 cm, written area c. 19×11½ cm; 17 lines per page (Eastern misṭara imprints).

Cont.: philosophy, economics, medicine, astrology, and tales. — Index (building on Kraus): table of contents by a different hand (pp. 5–6); Yaḥyā b. ʿAdī, Kitāb fī Tahdhīb al-akhlāq (pp. 7–61); Bryson, Qawl fī Tadbīr al-manzil (pp. 62–96); Themistius, Risāla ilā Lyūlyān (pp. 97–111); Pseudo-Plato, Risāla ilā Fūrfīryūs fī ḥaqīqat nafī l-ghamm wa-l-hamm wa-ithbāt al-zuhd (pp. 112–123); a brief chapter beginning Qāla Fithāghūras idhā alqayta shawat al-istighnāʾ (p. 123); Hermes, Kitāb Zajr al-nafs (pp. 124–189); a sketched basmala (p. 190); an epitome of Galen, Kitāb al-Akhlāq (pp. 191–235); an epitome of Galen, Kitāb fī anna quwā l-nafs tābiʿa li-mizāj al-badan (pp. 235bis–242); an epitome of Galen, Kitāb al-Ḥathth ʿalā ṣināʿat al-ṭibb (pp. 243–247); an epitome of Kitāb al-Tuffāḥa (pp. 248–267, end lost); Ibn Sīnā, Risālat al-Ṭayr (pp. 270–276, beginning lost); (Pseudo?-)Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq, Fī anna l-ḍawʾ laysa bi-jism (pp. 277–284); ʿAlī b. Ibrāhīm b. Bukhtīshūʿ Kafr-Ṭābī, Kitāb fī Tashrīḥ al-ʿayn (p. 285, beginning only); al-Fārābī, Kitāb al-Milla al-fāḍila (pp. 288–300 and 346–347, end lost); two notes (pp. 300–301); Ptolemaica (pp. 302–303); fragment of Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī, Kitāb al-Muqābasāt (p. 304); some chapters attributed to Abū Sulaymān (al-Sijistānī l-Manṭiqī?) (pp. 304–310); excerpts on ethics including seven fragments of the Ikhtiṣār al-Iskandarāniyyīn (pp. 310–317, end lost); Kitāb Bilawhar wa-Yūdāsaf (pp. 320–331 and 348–369, beginning and end lost); final line of an unidentified treatise (p. 332); an epitome of Ibn Bājja, Kitāb Tadbīr al-mutawaḥḥid (pp. 332–345). Blank: pp. 1–4, 7, 268–269 (added folio), and 318–319 (idem).

Bibl.: Louis Cheikho, ‘Notice sur un ancien manuscrit arabe’, in Actes du Onzième Congrès International des Orientalistes. Paris–1897, Vol. III: Langues et archéologie musulmanes, Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1899, pp. 125–142, here pp. 125–127; Jirjis Ṣafā, ‘Taʿrīf baʿd makhṭūṭāt maktabatī’, al-Mashriq 16 (1913), pp. 168–178, here pp. 173–178; Louis Cheikho, ‘Risālat Dāmistyūs fī l-siyāsa’, al-Mashriq 18 (1920), pp. 881–889, here p. 881; Paul Kraus, ‘Kitāb al-Akhlāq li-Jālīnūs’, Bulletin of the Faculy of Arts of the University of Egypt 5/1 (1937), pp. 1–51 (Arabic section), here pp. 3–8; Samir Khalil, ‘Nouveaux renseignements sur le Tahḏīb al-Aḫlāq de Yaḥyā Ibn ʿAdī et sur le « Taymūr Aḫlāq 290 »’, Arabica 26 (1979), pp. 158–178, here pp. 172–177; GASFuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, 17 vols, Leiden: Brill / Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1967–2015, vol. VII, p. 157; David A. King, Fihris al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿilmiyya al-maḥfūẓa bi-Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyya, 2 vols, Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organisation, 1981–1986, vol. I, p. 621; vol. II, pp. 652–654; Franco Martorello and Giuseppe Bezza, Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf ibn al-Dāya. Commento al Centiloquio Tolemaico, Milano / Udine: Mimesis, 2013, p. 35.

pp. 302–⁠303

\p. 302\ من كتاب الثمرة لبطليموس شرح أحمد بن يوسف الكاتب. قال بطليموس قد يقدر المنجّم على دفع كثير من أفعال النجوم إذا كان عالمًا بطبيعة ما يؤثّر فيه الفعل ووطّأ للفعل قبل وقوعه قابلًا يحتمله. — \p. 303\ وقال أحمد الفلاسفة يرون أنّ المحّبة والبغضة سنتين للنفس بمعنانها (كذا) من حسن \الاستبراء\ ||

= Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad b. Yūsuf, Tafsīr Kitāb al-Thamara (C.3.1)

, selection from a version with 100 verba, defective. — Title: Min Kitāb al-Thamara li-Baṭlīmūs sharḥ Aḥmad b. Yūsuf al-Kātib (p. 302). No colophon. No marginalia. The selection contains Pseudo-Ptolemy’s verba 5 and 9 with their respective commentaries as well as the beginning of the commentary on verbum 12, then breaks off because of a page loss.