Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Sbath 48

[Black-and-white microfilm scans of the textblock; inspected in October 2019.]
Collection of 12 works: Arabic.  Date:

undated; 7th/13th c. (Sbath).


unknown; unknown scribe.


a reading statement (1r) and some glosses (40v–41r) by the Damascene scholar Muḥammad b. ʿAlī b. Ibr〈ā〉hīm al-Muwaqqit al-Khayrī, known as Ibn al-Zurayq, dated 940/1533-4. An ownership statement recording that the manuscript was obtained from Muṣṭafā b. Aḥmad aw Ḍabbāthī (?), dated 1070/1659-60 (1r). A reading statement dated 〈10?〉83/1672-3 (46v); five undated ownership statements on f. 1r (two partially erased; one by Aḥmad Raṣīḥ (?), who passed the book on to his son Yaḥyā; one by Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan …; one referring to Shams al-Dīn … and his secretary Muḥammad b. Manṣ〈ū〉r). Two partially erased reading statements (23v and 92v); three copies of the same stamp, faded (1r). Identification stamps of the Paul Sbath collection throughout the manuscript (e.g., 1r, 1v, 11r). Sold to the Vatican Library in 1926 along with most manuscripts in Paul Sbath’s library (cf. Veccia Vaglieri & Celentano, p. 523, and Celeste Gianni, ‘Paul Sbath’s Manuscript Library. Conceptualizing the Library of a Syrian Catholic Priest between Europe and the Middle East in the Early-20th Century’, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 13 (2022), pp. 381–420, here p. 391). Various notes added on ff. 23v, 92r–v, 99v.

Cod.: yellowish paper, II+134+IIa ff. (foliated with stamped Arabic-European numerals in the bottom left corner of rectos; additional foliation in handwritten Arabic-European numerals in the upper left corner of rectos; additional pagination in the bottom left corner of title pages only; quire numbers written out in full, collation statements at quire ends; catchwords). From the indication ‘up to here, 65 folios’ in Arabic on f. 99v and from the non-consecutive quire numbers, it appears that the manuscript was originally bound as follows: ff. 1–23, 100–134, 93–99, 24–47, lost quire, 48–87, lost folios. A single black naskh hand, compact and dense but clear; mostly dotted ductus with many vowels, rare use of shaddas, hamzas mainly written when without carrier. Red ink used for chapter headings, abjad numerals (including geometrical points), Hindu-Arabic numerals (in the body text, including the numbering of Pseudo-Ptolemy’s verba), formulaic expressions, and textual dividers. Diagrams (horoscopes, a celestial sphere, tables, magical shapes) carefully drawn in red and black. Codex in bad condition; slight damage by insects, some moisture stains, covers broken into two pieces; most quires detached, one lost after f. 47, one or more folios lost after f. 87; inner and outer margins restored with paper slips. Dimensions: 260×180 mm, written area: c. 195×130 mm; 23 lines per page (misṭara imprints). Simple black leather covers over paper pasteboards; marbled inside covers. Type II binding.

Cont.: astrology and magic. — Index: al-Kindī, Rasāʾil fī Asrār al-rūḥāniyya (1r–9v, collective title for this risāla and the following two; cf. Veccia Vaglieri & Celentano, p. 524); Risāla fī Ṣifat rūḥāniyyāt al-kawākib (10r–16v); Risāla fī l-arwāḥ (17r–19r); Ptolemaica (19r–21v); a chapter Miḥnat al-ḥijāra wa-l-kharaz (21v–23r; same text as in Paris, BnF, ar. 2775, ff. 96v–99v); various chapters on stones under the collective title Min Manāfiʿ al-aḥjār (23r–v); anonymous, Madkhal ilā ʿilm al-falak (24r–47v; end lost, incipit identical with MS Tehran, Millī Library, 1794); Ptolemaica (48r–75r); al-Ḥuzāʿī (al-Khuzāʿī?), al-Ḥukm ʿalā qirānāt Baṭlamyūs fī l-muthallathāt (76r–87v; end lost, not Ptolemaic in content); Jābir b. Ḥayyān, Fī l-Ṭilism wa-bakhūrāt al-kawākib li-l-mumāthala wa-l-muqābala, extracted from Kitāb Akhrāj mā fī l-quwwa ilā l-fiʿl (88r–92r); Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, Kitāb fī-hi Surūr al-mustajlī li-juzʾ wujūdi-hi al-kullī (93r–99r); Kitāb al-Khāṣṣa al-mawjūd fī Dayr Nīniwa, on talismans and angels, with an addition based on Abū Jaʿfar’s commentary on verbum 9 of the Thamara (C.3.1) (100r–134v). Blank: Ir–IIv, 75v, Ia–IIa.

Bibl.: Paul Sbath, Bibliothèque de manuscrits Paul Sbath, prêtre syrien d’Alep, 3 vols, Cairo: Friedrich, 1928–1934, vol. I, pp. 40–41; Laura Veccia Vaglieri and Giuseppe Celentano, ‘Trois Épîtres d’al-Kindī (textes et traductions)’, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 34 (1974), pp. 523–562. — DigiVatLib:


\19v\ قال بطلميوس الحكيم قد نظرت في كلّ كتاب صنفًا من الحكمة والعلم ووضعت في الكتب من ذلك ما هو مشهور يستغني به وبمعرفته عن صفته ولم يبق عليّ غير علم الجواهر والأحجار ومنافعها وطبائعها واختلاف أجناسها وأوقات نفعها وصفة تدبيرها ونعت العمل بها وأنا واصف ذلك ومفسّره على ما دلّ ذلك عليه من علمه وتدبيره ومبيّنه إن شاء الله تعالى — \21r\ فإذا استيقظ الرجل ذكر ما كان فيه فيهدأ قلبه ويفعل ذلك كلّ ليلة يحبّ أن يراه فيها. ذكر محنة الأحجار وكيف يعلم ما يصلح منها للعمل الزمرّد ومحنة الخالص منه الجيّد أنّ الأفعى إذا وقع نظره عليه سالت عيناه من دماغه — \21v\ المغناطيس وبه الأبلق يحكّ بلعاب الأسفيوس وهو البزر قطونا فيخرج محكّه أخضر صافي ومحكّه في نهاية الصلابة فإذا كان كذلك فهو الجيّد الخالص لصالح العمل. تمّت.

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Kitāb al-Aḥjār (B.4.2)

. — Title: Kitāb al-Aḥjār wa-l-kharaz wa-manāfiʿi-hā wa-imtiḥāni-hā wa-ṭilasmāti-hā li-l-ḥakīm al-faylasūf Baṭlamyūs (19r). — Index: title page, 19r; preface, 19v; description of 11 talismans, 19v–21r; an additional chapter entitled Dhikr miḥnat al-aḥjār wa-kayfa yuʿlamu mā yaṣluḥu min-hā li-l-ʿamal, 21r–21v. — Short scribal colophon (tammat only, 21v). Collation statement (19v), some corrections in the margin.


\48v\ قال بطلميوس علم النجوم منك ومنها. قال أحمد بن يوسف الكاتب الطولونيّ مراده في منك ومنها أنّ لتقدمة المعرفة بالنجوم طريقين — \75r\ وأحدث بمصر جميع ما ذكره الفاضل بطليموس. وهذا جملة ما حضرني من تفسير كلمات هذا الكتاب وأرجوا أن يكون مطابقًا لمعانيه مستوفيًا لشرحه.

= Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad b. Yūsuf, Tafsīr Kitāb al-Thamara (C.3.1)

, version with 102 verba. — Title: Kitāb al-Thamara li-Baṭlamyūs mim-mā tarjama-hu wa-kashafa ʿan maʿnā-hu Aḥmad b. Yūsuf al-Kātib al-Ṭūlūnī (48r). — Index: title page, 48r; 100 verba intertwined with the commentary, 48v–75r. — Commentator’s colophon; undated scribal colophon. Verba 3 and 18 skipped in the numbering, so that from verbum 19 onwards the numbering agrees with that of the 100-verba version. Statements of collation (57v, 67v, 75v), a few corrections by the main scribe and possibly by a different hand in the margin.