Tehran, Kitābkhāna-yi Dānishkada-yi ḥuqūq, 62 J
undated, 11th/17th c. (Dānishpazhūh).
Or.:unknown; unknown scribe.
Prov.:two partially erased ownership statements by the 11th/17th-century Safavid philosopher Mīr Abū al-Qāsim Findiriskī (Iv, 1r). A small oval seal by Muḥammad Ḥusaynī Qawām al-Dīn (303r). A lobed square Safavid seal ‘Mīrzā Khān Nazar āz Murshid-e Kāmil Dārad’ (1r). Several erased ownership statements and stamps (1r).
Cod.: paper, I+303 ff. (foliated with Persian forms of Hindu-Arabic numerals at the centre top of rectos; marks for the middle of the quires on every eighth folio, i.e., the manuscript was bound in quaternions; catchwords). At least three different hands. First hand (1v–184v and 252–303r): a neat nastaʿlīq in black; mostly dotted ductus, occasional vowels, shaddas and hamzas. Second hand (185r–200v): black nastaʿlīq, bigger letters written with a thick nibbed pen (with the exception of much denser script towards the end of the quire on f. 201); mostly dotted ductus, some vowels, hardly any shaddas or hamzas. Third hand (226r–251v): black nastaʿlīq in a fast and occasionally dotted ductus with hardly any shaddas or hamzas, but occasional vowels and hamzas added by a reader. All hands rubricate formulaic expressions and book and chapter headings; abjad notation in the main text highlighted with red overlines. V-signs and three subscript dots applied throughout the text to distinguish consonants (ʿalāmat al-ihmāl). No tables; all three horoscopes usually found in this commentary (256r, 259r and 261r). Codex in good condition; water damage in the upper margins of almost all folios, not affecting the readability; oil stains increasingly towards the end (esp. in the folds, from f. 248 onwards); restorations with pasted paper slips from f. 275 onwards. Dimensions: 25.5×17 cm, written area 19.5×11.5 cm; 17 lines per page. Original Islamic binding, dark leather covers pasted on a leather cover of a later period, decorated with a blind-stamped central mandorla with pendants. Type III binding.
Cont.: astrology. — Index: Ptolemaica (1v–303r).
Bibl.: Muḥammad-taqī Dānishpazhūh, Fihrist-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-yi Kitābkhāna-yi Dānishkada-yi ḥuqūq wa ʿulūm-i siyāsī wa iqtiṣādī-yi Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, Tehran: Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, 1960 (1339 H.S.), p. 293; FankhāMuṣṭafā Dirāyatī, Fihristgān-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-yi Īrān (Fankhā), 45 vols, Tehran: Library, Museum and Documentation Center of The Islamic Consultative Assembly, 2011–13 1390, vol. XVIII, p. 972 (no. 8).
\1v\ قال أبو الحسن علي بن رضوان بن علي بن جعفر المتطبّب قصدنا أن نشرح أقاويل الحكيم بطلميوس في صناعة القضاء بالنجوم على الحوادث — \303r\ فهذ أشياء قد شرحتها لك فانعم النظر فيها وتأمّلها والله يهدي من يشاء إلى صراط مستقيم. = ʿAlī b. Riḍwān, Tafsīr al-Maqālāt al-arbaʿ (C.2.3)
. — Title: Sharḥ Arbaʿ maqālāt (1r). — Index: Book I.1 (=I), 1v–27r; I.2 (=II), 27r–54v; I.3 (=III), 54v–77r; II.1 (=IV), 77r–100v; II.2 (=V), 100v–129v; II.3 (=VI), 129v–150v; III.1 (=VII), 150v–176v; III.2 (=VIII), 176v–203v; III.3 (=IX), 203v–238r; IV.1 (=X), 238r–262r; IV.2 (=XI), 262r–288v; IV.3 (=XII), 288v–303r. — Undated scribal colophon. Substantial marginal corrections and additions; several undated collation marks in the margins; a note in naskh next to the colophon mentions that the copy was collated with the ‘correct source text’ al-aṣl al-ṣaḥīḥ (303r). |