Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Urbino, Biblioteca Universitaria, Fondo del Comune – Busta 120 (28)

s. XVI2 (probably shortly before 1558 and 1562, when Commandino published Ptolemy’s Planispherium and Analemma, together with his commentaries on these texts).


Federico Commandino’s collected papers and preparatory notes for his editions of Archimedes, Ptolemy and Euclid.

Paper, 391 f. (modern foliation), partially unbound and divided among three ‘fascicoli’ or ‘cartelle’ (I: f. 1-139, II: f. 140-245; III: f. 246-391), several hands, including that of Commandino for f. 140-149 (Ciocci, 263).

Mathematics and astronomy (Fascicolo II): Ptolemaica (150r-165r, 166r-173v, 174r-175r, 198r-207v, 214r-223v and 226r-244r), interspersed with notes and fragments (140r-149r, 176r-197v and 208r-213v), some of which are related to the Ptolemaica. Blank: 149v, 165v, 224r-225v, 244v-245v. Fascicoli I and III contain various works of geometry and logic, including by Euclid, Archimedes and Aristotle, together with Commandino’s notes and commentaries.

Bibl. G. Moranti, Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d’Italia, LXXX, Firenze, 1954, 170 (‘Busta 28’); P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, VI, London-Leiden, 1992, 249; A. Ciocci, ‘I manoscritti urbinati di Federico Commandino: Una ricognizione delle Buste 120 e 121 Della Biblioteca Universitaria di Urbino’, Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche 38 (2018), 237-269.


‘Federici Commandini Urbinati in Planisphaerium Ptolemaei commentarius. Figuram visam quemadmodum appareat in proposito plano describere — (157v) aliud quodvis corpus. (158r) Cum sit possibile, o Syre, etc. Principio docet Ptolemaeus dato aequinoctiali circulo in plano proposito — pariter fecamus, unde stellarum loca certissima ratione deprehenduntur.’

= Federico Commandino, In Planisphaerium Ptolemaei commentarius (C.4.5)

. A few marginal notes possibly by the scribe.


‘Claudii Ptolemaei sphaerae aplanetis proiectio in planum. Cum sit possibile, o Syre, et plurimum necessarium ut in plano repraesententur circuli in spheram corpoream incidentes — quos in 4 rectis angulis numeramus 360, habebit angulus ECY gradus 8 <puncta>…’

= Ptolemy, Planispherium (tr. Hermann of Carinthia) (A.6.1)

, Class I, without the translator’s preface. Abrupt end at the bottom of f. 173v, several folia are missing, as confirmed by the catchword ‘punc<ta>’ f. 173v. No glosses. A couple of corrections by the scribe f. 169r.


‘Figuram visam quemadmodum appareat in proposito plano describere — aliud quodvis corpus.’

= Federico Commandino, In Planisphaerium Ptolemaei commentarius (C.4.5)

, excerpts (?) from the first part (f. 150r-157v above), with numerous corrections by the scribe.


‘Assiduis auditorum exortationibus impulsus, Epiphani fili, ad ea illustranda quae in Mathematica Ptolaemei constructione obscura est passim visa sunt explanationem in eam conscribere optimum fore duxi — quod fit ex AZ, quamobres AE aequales et AZ et dupla <ut AE>…’

= Theon of Alexandria, 〈Commentum in Almagesti〉 (tr. Giovanni Battista Teofilo) (C.1.30.4)

. Theon’s preface, 198r-201v; I.1, 202r-207v, abrupt end due to missing folia (cf. catchwords ‘ut AE’).


‘Cl<audius> Ptolemeus Syro S. D. (?). Consideranti mihi, Syre, angulorum acceptorum circa gnomonem qui rationi consentanei essent — horarii ad verticalem et descensivi ad horizontem. Cancres (?) autem hoc modo se habent.’

= Ptolemy, Liber de Analemmate (tr. William of Moerbeke) (A.5.1)

, with variants. Numerous corrections by the scribe.


‘Antiquos mathematicos de gnomonicis rationibus conscripsisse ex Vitruvio, Ptolemaeoque satis constat, quorum inventis cum Ptolemaeus non nulla addidisset — ab ipso Analemmate exordium capientes.’