Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Sprenger 1839

[Colour scanned images of the textblock and covers.]
Single work: Arabic.  Date:

c. 800/1400 (Ahlwardt).


unknown; copied by Aḥmad b. Tamīm (from the scribal colophon of MS Berlin, SBPK, Sprenger 1840, which is in the same hand and was initially bound together with the present manuscript in one volume, MS Sprenger 1840 preceding the present manuscript).


no ownership statements. The foliation in zimām numerals and the reference to Coptic months point to the Coptic cultural area. Ex-libris ‘Ex Biblioth. Regia Berolinensi’ in red (1r).

Cod.: brown paper, 37 ff. (foliated with underlined Arabic-European numerals in pencil; an additional foliation in zimām, i.e., Coptic, numerals at the top left of rectos starting with ‘67’ on f. 2r, but possibly glued over on f. 1r; quire signatures of the form ‘thāniya min al-Thamara li-Baṭlamyūs’ in the scribe’s hand in the upper left corner of every tenth recto). A single elegant big naskh hand in black. Fully dotted ductus; substantial vowels including sukūns and tanwīns; substantial hamzas except on initial alifs; no shaddas. Centered headings introducing Pseudo-Ptolemy’s verba in decorated thuluth in red with vowels in black; commentary introduced by the term al-tafsīr in red. Codex in good condition; substantial moisture stains especially in the second half of the manuscript; the top outer corner of f. 1r ripped off and replaced with a pasted slip of paper with annotations in two different hands, one in English, indicating the contents of the manuscript. Dimensions: 24½×16½ cm, written area: 17½×11 cm; 17 lines per page. Purple cloth cover on pasteboard; wooden-like marbled pasteboard on top of the cloth cover except on the spine and corners. Type III binding.

Cont.: astrology. — Index: title page (1r); list of the correspondences of zodiacal signs and Coptic months in the same ink as the foliation in zimām numerals (1r); Ptolemaica (1v–37v). Blank: none.

Bibl.: Wilhelm Ahlwardt, Verzeichniss der arabischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, vol. V, Berlin: Asher, 1893, p. 273 (no. 5874); Franco Martorello and Giuseppe Bezza, Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf ibn al-Dāya. Commento al Centiloquio Tolemaico, Milano / Udine: Mimesis, 2013, pp. 34–35. — Qalamos:


\1v\ {أطال الله بقاءك} في أدوم نعمة وأوسع كرامة وقرن سعيك بإرشاده وصوابك بتوفيقه {قد حضرت} أيدك الله بالأمس من سوء الخوض في كتاب الثمرة — \37v\ التفسير تبيّن أرسطاطالوس في كتاب الآثار العلويّة أنّ الأبخرة الحارّة إذا بلغت الأثير صارت شهبًا وهي الينازل (كذا) فليس بمستنكر أنّ يدل ظهورها على لأنّه ذكر \جفاف الأبخرة\ ||

= Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad b. Yūsuf, Tafsīr Kitāb al-Thamara (C.3.1)

. — Title: Kitāb al-Thamara Baṭlamyūs b. Falbūs al-Qalūdhī, Sharḥ Abī Aḥmad al-Ṭūlūnī (1r). — Additional titles: Thamarat Baṭlamyūs, Kalimātu-hu qā; al-Sharḥ li-Aḥmad b. Yūsuf al-Miṣrī al-Muhandis kātib … (1r); ‘Centiloquium Ptolemaei with a Comment by Abi Aḥmad Tawlúny’ (1r, on a glued-in printed paper slip). — Index: commentator’s introduction, 1v; 101 verba intertwined with the commentary, 1v–37v. — No colophons, as the text breaks off shortly after the beginning of the commentary on the last verbum due to a page loss (possibly of a single folio). A few marginal corrections and glosses in a single cursive hand. Not collated. Trimmed marginalia. Although the original verbum 1 is split into three parts, as is typical for the 102-verba version, its second part is not numbered as an individual verbum; furthermore, verbum 35 is numbered as 34 and verbum 43 as 44. Hence, the numbering is shifted by 1 with respect to the 100-verba version in verba 2–34 and 44–101, and it agrees with it in verba 34bis–42 (cf. Escorial, RBMSL, ár. 969 for an identical arrangement). This witness was used for the edition in Martorello & Bezza (contrary to their statement, the text of verba 74–77 [here: 75–78] is not missing and is found on ff. 29v–30r).