[Coloured scanned images of the textblock.]
Collection of six works: Persian and Arabic.
ff. 239v–249v: beginning of Shawwāl 905/May 1500 (248v); 1v–238v: contemporary or older (additions by the scribe of ff. 239v–249v).
ff. 1v–238v: perhaps Iran or Turkey, unknown scribes; 239v–249v: Amasya, Turkey; copied by Muḥammad b. Maḥmūd b. Muḥammad al-ʿUmarī al-ʿAdwī l-Qurashī (248v), who also signed an addition on f. 151r.
a statement referring to the battle of Ankara between Taymūr and Bayezid I in 805/1402 (45r). A Persian statement on an ascendant for 4 Muḥarram 855/6 February 1451 (239r). Statement of endowment in favour of Sultan Mahmud I (r. 1730–1754), received by Muṣṭafā l-Maʾmūr, inspector of endowments ‘in the two Holy Shrines’, with his seal and a tughra (1v); round seal of Sultan Mahmud I (1v). Old shelfmark ‘5456’ (inside front cover).
Cod.: brownish paper, I+252 ff. (foliated up to ‘248’ with Hindu-Arabic numerals in pencil; catchwords). Three or four hands. Ff. 1v–238v: two or three nastaʿlīq hands; fully dotted ductus with sporadic vowels and maddas, no hamzas; red for chapter titles, formulaic expressions, numbers in the body text, and overlining. Muḥammad al-ʿUmarī’s hand (copying the Ptolemaic work on ff. 239v–249v as well as notes on f. 151r and possibly 45r–46r, 106r–v, 153v–154r, 250r–252v): clear naskh; fully dotted ductus with a considerable number of vowels, shaddas, maddas, hamzas, and occasional tanwīns. No use of red ink; formulaic qāla with prolonged lām; verbum numbering in black abjad numerals in the margins. Diagrams on ff. 1v–238v. Mostly abjad, occasionally Hindu-Arabic numerals in both the body text and diagrams. Codex in good condition; some moisture stains not affecting the readability. Dimensions: 180×125 mm; written area: 120×60 mm; 15 lines per page. Leather cover over paper pasteboards (judging from the scans of the inside covers). Type III binding.
Cont.: astrology, astronomy, and divination. — Index: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, al-Ikhtiyārāt al-ʿalāʾiyya fī l-ikhtibārāt al-samāʾiyya (1v–45r, in Persian); Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, al-Risāla al-Muʿīniyya (46v–106r, in Persian); Nāṣir al-Dīn Aḥmad b. Ḥaydar b. Muḥammad al-Shīrāzī, Irshād (107v–151r; on the astrolabe, in Persian); anonymous, Dar Dānistan-i ʿilm-i aktāf (151v–153r; in Persian, with an additional note in Arabic); Ḥabīb Allāh b. Ṣāʿin al-Dīn ʿAlī Turka, Rukniyya (154v–238v, in Persian); Ptolemaica (239v–249r). Fāʾidas and notes in Persian and Arabic on various topics (inside front cover, 1r, 45r–46r, 106r–v, 151r–153r, 249v–252v, inside of back cover), most notably a computation of the ascensions of the signs in the fifth climate (151r), a Persian poem on the haylāj ascribed to Ptolemy (152v), and notes on medicine ascribed to Hippocrates (1r), Thābit b. Qurra (1r), and Archigenes as quoted by al-Rāzī (251r). Blank: 107r.
\239v\ كتاب الثمرة لبطلميوس الحكيم تمام الكتب الأربعة التي ألّفها في الأحكام لسورس تلميذه. قال قد قدّمنا لك يا سورس كتبًا فيما تؤثّره الكواكب في عالم التركيب — \248v\ فإن لم يكن سائرًا فإنّ الخارجيّ من حظيرة الإقليم. تمّ كتاب الثمرة المسمّى بالروميّة انطر رمطا ومعناه المائة الكلمة [colophon] \249r\ قال بطلميوس النيازك وذوات الذوائب من ثواني النجوم ليست منها إلى آخر. ثواني النجوم آثار علوية باشذ ونيازك وستاركان ذو الذوابة حربها وامثال آن جمله از ثواني نجوم باشذ واز نجوم نباشند — در خراسان و فتنه بسيار شايع كشت. نقل اسن أز رساله ادوار و قرانات تاج اكرام {…}افي.
, version with 102 verba. — Title: Kitāb al-Thamara li-Baṭlamyūs al-ḥakīm tamām al-Kutub al-Arbaʿa allatī allafa-hā fī l-aḥkām li-Sūrus talmīdhi-hi (239v). — Additional title: Kitāb al-Thamara al-musammā bi-l-rūmiyya ā-n-ṭ-r r-m-ṭ-ā wa-maʿnā-hu l-miʾa al-kalima (248v). — Index: introduction, 239v; 100 verba, 239r–248v; additions from al-Ṭūsī’s commentary (249r). — Colophon with Greek title and dated scribal colophon. Traces of collation (usually with siglum kh; nuskha on f. 247v), some corrections in the margins (ṣḥ). Occasional glosses, also giving passages from Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Tafsīr Kitāb al-Thamara (Arabic–Persian version) (C.3.4) and from Māshāʾallāh. Verbum 92 (here: 94) skipped in the numbering; verbum 99 and 100 subsumed under a single verbum 100; hence, the witness seemingly contains 100 verba. A set of notes immediately following the Thamara copy (f. 249r) contains verbum 99 in Arabic with al-Ṭūsī’s Persian commentary on it, the beginning of verbum 100 and al-Ṭūsī’s commentary in full, and some extracts on comets from ‘Risāla-yi Adwār wa-Qirānāt-i Tāj Akram …āfī’ (?).