Tehran, Kitābkhāna-yi Millī-yi Īrān, Ar. 747
14 Shaʿbān 1274/30 March 1858 (p. 278).
Or.:Mashhad (online catalogue, not confirmed); copied by ʿAbd al-Raḥīm al-Munajjim al-Bughāyrī, who came from Harand in Khorasan but lived in Tehran (p. 278).
Prov.:a faded round library stamp (pp. 1, 99 and 278). Old shelfmark (?): ‘366’ (p. I).
Cod.: thin paper, I+278+Va pp. (paginated in pencil with Hindu-Arabic numerals, Persian forms; catchwords). A single very clear naskh hand in black; many final hamzas and shaddas, maddas mostly indicated, frequent use of lām-alif muḥaqqaqa. Reserved spaces for rubricated chapter titles and paragraph beginnings; empty spaces for missing abjad notation in the text (making, for example, a list of terms on p. 76 useless). No tables or diagrams. Codex in very good condition, no visible damage. Dimensions: 310×195 mm, written area: 180×95 mm; 10 lines per page with substantial space between the lines (misṭara imprints). Partial leather covers over paper pasteboards decorated with battal ebru paper. Type III binding.
Cont.: astrology. —
Bibl.: ʿAbdallah Anwār, Fihrist-i nusakh-i khaṭṭī-yi Kitābkhāna-yi Millī, Vol. VIII: Kutub-i ʿarabī az shumāra 501 tā 1000, Tehran: Kitābkhāna-yi Millī-yi Īrān, 1978 (2536 Sh.), pp. 203–204; FankhāMuṣṭafā Dirāyatī, Fihristgān-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-yi Īrān (Fankhā), 45 vols, Tehran: Library, Museum and Documentation Center of The Islamic Consultative Assembly, 2011–13 1390, vol. XVIII, p. 974 (no. 25).
pp. 1–278
\p. 1\ 〈الباب الأوّل〉 في صدر الكتاب 〈قال بطلميوس〉 إنّ الأمور التي بها تمام تقدمة المعرفة المأخوذة من علم النجوم يا سيورى — \p. 278\ فإذ قد أتينا على القول في أمر المواليد على طريق الجملة فأري (كذا) أنّه من الواجب أن أختم هذا الكتاب في هذا الموضع. = Ptolemy, Kitāb Arbaʿ maqālāt (tr. Ibrāhīm b. al-Ṣalt/Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq) (A.2.2)
, without Thābit’s glosses. — |