Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Istanbul, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Ayasofya 4853

[Colour scanned images of the textblock, often trimmed.]
Collection of 26 works: Arabic and Persian. Date:

undated; ‘possibly beginning of the 7th/13th c.’ (Mahdawī, p. 338 n. 2).


unknown; unknown scribes.


an oval seal with the tughra of Sultan Bāyazīd II (r. 1481–1512) (2r, 134v). Statement of endowment in favour of Sultan Maḥmūd I (r. 1730–1754), received by Aḥmad Shaykh Zāda, inspector of endowments ‘in the two Holy Shrines’, with his seal (1v); seal of Sultan Maḥmūd I (2r).

Cod.: paper, I+134+Ia ff. (foliated with Hindu-Arabic numerals at the bottom centre of rectos, with ‘78’ repeated; a similar foliation in the right margin of rectos, crossed out when not matching the other; no catchwords). At least ten different naskh hands in black and brown (1v–64v, 65v–76v, 77v–78bisr, 79r–94v, 95v–99v, 99v–101v, 101v–102v, 103v–110r, 111v–120r, 121v–134r). Hand copying the Ptolemaic work (111v–120r): brown ink; mostly dotted ductus with tanwīns, occasional vowels and hamzas, no shaddas; red ink for the title and for the verbum numbering (in Hindu-Arabic numerals, sometimes overlined). Neatly drawn geometrical diagrams only in the treatise on ff. 121v–134r. Codex in mediocre condition; damage by insects, binding seemingly loose. Dimensions: 17×12 cm; 21 lines per page (15–16 on 95v–99v; 24–26 on 101v–102v). Persian safīna. Type III binding.

Cont.: philosophy, mysticism, medicine, astrology and astronomy. — Index: table of contents (1r); an older table of contents (2r); a collection of treatises by Ibn Sīna and Pseudo-Ibn Sīna (sigla referring to the inventory in Dimitri Gutas, Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition. Introduction to Reading Avicenna’s Philosophical Works, 2nd ed., Leiden: Brill, 2014): Risāla fī l-Arzāq (2v–6r; GM-Ps 11); Risāla fī Īḍāḥ barāhīn mustanbaṭa fī masāʾil ʿawīṣa (6v–8v; GM-Ps 9); Risāla fī l-Akhlāq (9r–13r; GPP 1b); Faṣl ayḍan min kalāmi-hifī l-akhlāq (13r; perhaps identical with GPP 1d?); al-Ajwiba ʿan al-masāʾil al-ʿashr (13v–18r; GP 9); al-Ajwiba ʿan masāʾil Abī Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (18r–31r; GP 8); Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam (31r–40r; J p. 523); Masʾalatān ayḍan min kalāmi-hi (40r–41r; GP-Ps 2); al-Jumal min al-adilla al-muḥaqqaqa li-baqāʾ al-nafs al-nāṭiqa (41r–45v; GP 12); Dustūr ṭibbī (45v–47v; Gmed 1.c); Risāla al-Nayrūziyya fī maʿānī l-ḥurūf al-hijāʾiyya (47v–50v; GPW 5.k); Risāla fī l-Ḥadath (50v–51r; GP-Ps 1); Risāla fī Khaṭaʾ man qāla inna l-kammiyya jawhar (51r–52r; GL 8); Risāla fī Khtilāf al-nās fī amr al-nafs wa-amr al-ʿaql, or Risāla ilā Kiyā (52r–53v; GP 13 and no. I.B.c.2.1 in David C. Reisman, The Making of the Avicennan Tradition. The Transmission, Contents, and Structure of Ibn Sīnā’s al-Mubāḥaṯāt (The Discussions), Leiden: Brill, 2002, p. 65); Maqāla fī Khaṭaʾ man qāla inna l-shayʾ jawhar wa-ʿaraḍ (53v–59r; GL 9); Risāla fī Ithbāt al-nubuwwa (59r–64v; GM-Ps 2) Risāla fī l-Qaḍāʾ wa-l-qadr (65v–76v; GM 4); some added notes in Persian (77v, 78v–78bisr); Risāla fī l-Ajrām al-ʿulwiyya (79r–87v; GP 6); Risāla fī l-Wusʿa (88r–89r; GP 4); several fāʾidas, partially matching sections of the Mubāḥathāt (89r–94v; nos. I.A.c.1 and I.A.c.2 in Reisman, pp. 50–51); Risālat al-Ṭayr (95r–99v; GM 8); Fawāʾid min Kitāb al-Taʿlīqāt (99v–101v); Maqāla fī l-Ishāra ilā ʿilm al-manṭiq (101v–102v; GL 5); Maqāla fī Aqsām al-ḥikma (103v–110r; GS 1); Ptolemaica (111v–120r); Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Ḥall-i mushkilāt-i muʿīniyya (121v–134r). Blank: 65r, 77r, 78r, 78bisv, 103r, 110v–111r, 120v–121r, and presumably Ir and Iav (not included in the scans).

Bibl.: Yaḥyā Mahdawī, Fihrist-i nuskhahā-yi muṣannafāt-i Ibn-i Sīnā, Tehran: Dānishgāh-yi Tihrān, 1954, p. 338, n. 2; Muḥammad Taqī Dānishpazhūh, Fihrist-i mīkrūfīlmhā-yi Kitābkhāna-yi Markazī-yi Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, vol. I, Tehran: Dānishgāh-yi Tihrān, 1969 (1348 H.S.), pp. 472–473 (microfilm F 438); David C. Reisman, The Making of the Avicennan Tradition. The Transmission, Contents, and Structure of Ibn Sīnā’s al-Mubāḥaṯāt (The Discussions), Leiden: Brill, 2002, pp. 50–51 and 65.


\111v\ كتاب الثمرة لبطلميوس في الأحكام وهو مائة. فصل ١ قال بطلميوس علم النجوم منك ومنها. ٢ وليس للعالم بها أن ينبّئ بصورة الفعل الشخصيّة كما ليس للحاسّ أن يقبل صورة المحسوس الشخصيّة لكنّه يقبل صورة موافقة له في الجنس — \120r\ وطلع ذو الذوابة في سنة اثنين وتسعين (كذا) وأقام إحدى عشر ليلة يسير كلّ ليلة مسيرًا محسوسًا فدخل ابن خليج بعده بمدّة يسيرة وتصلّط على مصر ونواحيها.

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Kitāb al-Thamara (B.1.1)

, version with 102 verba. — Title: Kitāb al-Thamara li-Baṭlamyūs fī l-aḥkām wa-huwa miʾat faṣl (111v). — Index: 100 verba. — Undated scribal colophon; a few corrections and glosses by the scribe. Verba 75–76 subsumed under a single verbum 77, and verba 79–80 under a single verbum 80; hence, the witness seemingly contains 100 verba. Verbum 100 replaced by Abū Jaʿfar’s commentary on it (C.3.1) and introduced by qāla Aḥmad b. Yūsuf.