[Colour scanned images of the textblock, often trimmed.]
Collection of 26 works: Arabic and Persian.
undated; ‘possibly beginning of the 7th/13th c.’ (Mahdawī, p. 338 n. 2).
unknown; unknown scribes.
an oval seal with the tughra of Sultan Bayezid II (r. 1481–1512) (2r, 134v). Statement of endowment in favour of Sultan Mahmud I (r. 1730–1754), received by Aḥmad Shaykh Zāda, inspector of endowments ‘in the two Holy Shrines’, with his seal (1v); seal of Sultan Mahmud I (2r).
Cod.: paper, I+134+Ia ff. (foliated with Hindu-Arabic numerals at the bottom centre of rectos, with ‘78’ repeated; a similar foliation in the right margin of rectos, crossed out when not matching the other; no catchwords). At least ten different naskh hands in black and brown (1v–64v, 65v–76v, 77v–78bisr, 79r–94v, 95v–99v, 99v–101v, 101v–102v, 103v–110r, 111v–120r, 121v–134r). Hand copying the Ptolemaic work (111v–120r): brown ink; mostly dotted ductus with tanwīns, occasional vowels and hamzas, no shaddas; red ink for the title and for the verbum numbering (in Hindu-Arabic numerals, sometimes overlined). Neatly drawn geometrical diagrams only in the treatise on ff. 121v–134r. Codex in bad condition; damage by insects, binding seemingly loose. Dimensions: 165×116 mm, written area: 125×75 mm; 21 lines per page (15–16 on 95v–99v; 24–26 on 101v–102v). Persian safīna. Type III binding.
Cont.: philosophy, mysticism, medicine, astrology and astronomy. — Index: table of contents (1r); an older table of contents (2r); a collection of treatises by Ibn Sīna and Pseudo-Ibn Sīna (sigla referring to the inventory in Dimitri Gutas, Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition. Introduction to Reading Avicenna’s Philosophical Works, 2nd ed., Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2014): Risāla fī l-Arzāq (2v–6r; GM-Ps 11); Risāla fī Īḍāḥ barāhīn mustanbaṭa fī masāʾil ʿawīṣa (6v–8v; GM-Ps 9); Risāla fī l-Akhlāq (9r–13r; GPP 1b); Faṣl ayḍan min kalāmi-hi … fī l-akhlāq (13r; perhaps identical with GPP 1d?); al-Ajwiba ʿan al-masāʾil al-ʿashr (13v–18r; GP 9); al-Ajwiba ʿan masāʾil Abī Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (18r–31r; GP 8); Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam (31r–40r; J p. 523); Masʾalatān ayḍan min kalāmi-hi (40r–41r; GP-Ps 2); al-Jumal min al-adilla al-muḥaqqaqa li-baqāʾ al-nafs al-nāṭiqa (41r–45v; GP 12); Dustūr ṭibbī (45v–47v; Gmed 1.c); Risāla al-Nayrūziyya fī maʿānī l-ḥurūf al-hijāʾiyya (47v–50v; GPW 5.k); Risāla fī l-Ḥadath (50v–51r; GP-Ps 1); Risāla fī Khaṭaʾ man qāla inna l-kammiyya jawhar (51r–52r; GL 8); Risāla fī Khtilāf al-nās fī amr al-nafs wa-amr al-ʿaql, or Risāla ilā Kiyā (52r–53v; GP 13 and no. I.B.c.2.1 in David C. Reisman, The Making of the Avicennan Tradition. The Transmission, Contents, and Structure of Ibn Sīnā’s al-Mubāḥaṯāt (The Discussions), Leiden: Brill, 2002, p. 65); Maqāla fī Khaṭaʾ man qāla inna l-shayʾ jawhar wa-ʿaraḍ (53v–59r; GL 9); Risāla fī Ithbāt al-nubuwwa (59r–64v; GM-Ps 2) Risāla fī l-Qaḍāʾ wa-l-qadr (65v–76v; GM 4); some added notes in Persian (77v, 78v–78bisr); Risāla fī l-Ajrām al-ʿulwiyya (79r–87v; GP 6); Risāla fī l-Wusʿa (88r–89r; GP 4); several fāʾidas, partially matching sections of the Mubāḥathāt (89r–94v; nos. I.A.c.1 and I.A.c.2 in Reisman, pp. 50–51); Risālat al-Ṭayr (95r–99v; GM 8); Fawāʾid min Kitāb al-Taʿlīqāt (99v–101v); Maqāla fī l-Ishāra ilā ʿilm al-manṭiq (101v–102v; GL 5); Maqāla fī Aqsām al-ḥikma (103v–110r; GS 1); Ptolemaica (111v–120r); Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Ḥall-i mushkilāt-i muʿīniyya (121v–134r). Blank: 65r, 77r, 78r, 78bisv, 103r, 110v–111r, 120v–121r, and presumably Ir and Iav (not included in the scans).
Bibl.: Yaḥyā Mahdawī, Fihrist-i nuskhahā-yi muṣannafāt-i Ibn-i Sīnā, Tehran: Dānishgāh-yi Tihrān, 1954, p. 338, n. 2; Muḥammad-taqī Dānishpazhūh, Fihrist-i mīkrūfīlmhā-yi Kitābkhāna-yi Markazī-yi Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, vol. I, Tehran: Dānishgāh-yi Tihrān, 1969 (1348 H.S.), pp. 472–473 (film 438); David C. Reisman, The Making of the Avicennan Tradition. The Transmission, Contents, and Structure of Ibn Sīnā’s al-Mubāḥaṯāt (The Discussions), Leiden: Brill, 2002, pp. 50–51 and 65. — Yazma Eserler Veritabanı: https://portal.yek.gov.tr/works/search/full?&key=12804853&linked_field=barcode.
\111v\ كتاب الثمرة لبطلميوس في الأحكام وهو مائة فصل. ١ قال بطلميوس علم النجوم منك ومنها. ٢ وليس للعالم بها أن ينبّئ بصورة الفعل الشخصيّة — \120r\ فدخل ابن خليج بعده بمدّة يسيرة وتصلّط على مصر ونواحيها.
, version with 102 verba. — Title: Kitāb al-Thamara li-Baṭlamyūs fī l-aḥkām wa-huwa miʾat faṣl (111v). — Index: 100 verba. — Undated scribal colophon; a few corrections and glosses by the scribe. Introduction omitted. Verba 75–76 subsumed under a single verbum 77, verba 79–80 under a single verbum 80, and verba 99–100 under a single verbum 99; Abū Jaʿfar’s commentary (C.3.1) on verbum 100 inserted at the end of the work, where it is introduced by qāla Aḥmad b. Yūsuf and is considered an independent verbum. Due to all these pecularities, the witness seemingly contains 100 verba.