Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.1.6

〈Commentum in Gebri Librum super Almagesti〉

A commentary on Geber’s Liber super Almagesti (C.1.2) by an anonymous author who also used the Almagest in Gerard’s of Cremona’s translation (A.1.2) and the Almagesti minor (C.1.4). In the only known manuscript (Paris, BnF, lat. 7406), which is probably not the author’s copy, the scribe stopped copying in the middle of the first chapter of Book IV. The manuscript was copied in the second half of the thirteenth century (c. 1273?) in some university, probably in Paris or in England.

Text ‘(Paris, BnF, lat. 7406) (114ra) [introduction] Geber in libro 30 figurarum ad probationem sui propositi commodius habendam quedam premittit. Prima autem eius propositio eadem est prime Theodosii in primo. Secunda autem proponit sensum quinque propositionum primi libri Theodosii… (114ra-120vb) [book i] Omnis circulus signatus super speram a cuius polo egredientis ad circumferenciam linee quadratus est equalis medietati quadrati dyametri spere est ex magnis eiusdem spere. Sit enim spera ABZ circulis in ea signatus BGD — quod fuit propositum ultime propositionis primi libri Geber. Explicit primus liber Geber. (121ra-128rb) [book ii] Qualiter super instrumentum cuius preparatio ad inventionem — valet duos rectos, habes ergo quesiti notitiam. Explicit liber secundus Geber. (128rb-135rb) [book iii] Incipit liber tertius eiusdem. (128va) Anni quantitatem verisimiliter invenire. Annus est spacium in quo Sol ab uno puncto — dies equales ad dies diversos et illud voluimus declarare. Explicit tertius liber Geber. (135rb-137vb) [book iv] Incipit liber quartus eiusdem. Verus Lune locus per lunarem eclypsim quam per solarem — et fecit currere illud secundum semitam indagationis subtilis.’

Bibl. R. Lorch, ‘The Astronomy of Jābir b. Aflāḥ’, Centaurus 19 (1975), 85-107: 102-103 (reprinted in R. Lorch, Arabic Mathematical Sciences. Instruments, Texts, Transmission, Farnham-Burlington, 1995, VI); R. Lorch, ‘Jābir ibn Aflaḥ and the Establishment of Trigonometry in the West’, in R. Lorch, Arabic Mathematical Sciences. Instruments, Texts, Transmission, Farnham-Burlington, 1995, VIII, 13, 20-29 and 35; H. Zepeda, The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemy’s Astronomy: The Almagesti minor (c. 1200), Turnhout, 2018, 99-100.

Modern ed. Excerpts (I.13-15) have been edited by Lorch, ‘Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’, 21-28.