Istanbul, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, Ahmet III 3464
Ptolemaic work (treatise 14) finished on 7 Dhū l-ḥijja 615/24 February 1219 (222v); treatises 6, 10 and 11 (in the same hand as treatises 1–4) finished in Ramaḍān and Shawwāl 625/August-September 1228 (115v, 170r, 188r); treatise 8 finished towards the end of Rajab 630/mid May 1233 (151v); treatise 17 finished on 20 Dhū l-ḥijja 689/24 December 1290 in Sivas (267r).
Or.:unknown; treatises 1–4, 6, 10 and 11 copied by Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr b. Muḥammad b. Abī Naṣr (188r; Martin’s [p.
a partially erased ownership statement by a certain Ḥasan Ḥalabī (IIr). Ownership statement by Junayd b. Jalāl b. Shirwān b. al-Dawrakī dated 796/1393-4 in Sivas (267r). A poem on the Khaṭīrī mosque on the banks of the river Nile just outside Cairo by Musāfir b. ʿUthmān b. Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. Yūsuf (267v). Pointed oval seal of Sultsn Bayezid II (r. 1481–1512) (1r, 267r). Round seal of endowment of Sultan Ahmet III (r. 1703–1730) (1r) and a signature commonly found in manuscripts of his collection (IIr). Old shelfmarks: ‘handasa 16’, ‘Y 267, ‘ḥikmat’ (Ir).
Cod.: paper, II+267+Ia ff. (foliated in pencil with ‘56’ repeated; traces of several earlier foliations up to f. 222, often cut off; quire number al-sādis written out in red at the top left of f. 54r; catch-words only in the later additions on ff. 223–242 and 264–267). Main hand (treatises 1–4, 6, 10 and 11): a black naskh, partially dotted, without shaddas, hamzas or vowel marks; titles and keywords in larger and bolder red (generally rubbing off on the opposite page) and sometimes centred; text divisions by three red dots arranged in a triangle; red overlined proposition numbers in the margins. Hand of the Ptolemaic work (treatise 14): somewhat unevenly written black naskh, partially dotted, no shaddas or hamzas, occasional vowel marks; keywords overlined, partially accentuated in red, or entirely in red; headings faṣl and shakl larger and bolder; text divided both by oversized letters hāʾ (for intihāʾ) filled with red and by three red points arranged in triangular form. A variety of further naskh hands in the remaining treatises. Geometrical diagrams in most of the treatises with red (on two occasions: black) lines and black lettering; some reserved spaces for diagrams. Tables in treatises 9, 11, 12 and 13. Numerous corrections and glosses in the margins of most of the treatises in a variety of hands; some of the glosses quote Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ b. al-Sārī (10v, 16v, 98r). The earlier foliations as well as the differences between the two tables of contents and the current contents point to rebindings of the works in this codex. Codex in good condition; corrosion of the ink in treatise 13; red border around f. 267v, probably rubbed off from an earlier cover. Dimensions: 27×16.5 cm, written area 17.5×11 cm; mostly 23 lines per page (ff. 150–151: 21 lines, f. 191: 25 lines, treatises 15 and 17: 29 lines, treatise 16: 31 lines). Brown leather covers (probably from the thirteenth or fourteenth century) with fore-edge and envelope flap, decorated with frames and corner pieces, as well as a blind-tooled central lobed medallion (filled with interlace) on the front and back covers and the flap. Flap inside ornamented with arabesque design; spine restored. Type II binding.
Cont.: astronomy, mathematics, optics, botanics. A version of the Kitāb al-Mutawassiṭāt (the Middle Books that were supposed to be read between Euclid’s Elements and Ptolemy’s Almagest) from before the time of al-Ṭūsī’s recensions, with several additions. Treatises 9 and 12 were written on empty pages between works copied earlier on; treatises 15–17 were not part of the original compilation, while the Tabṣira fī l-hayʾa by al-Kharaqī, Fī l-Maṭāliʿ by Hypsikles, and Fī Jirmay al-shams wa-l-qamar by Aristarchus once belonged to it but are now missing. —
Note This manuscript has been the basis for the edition or study of a number of important texts. In addition to Martin, Lorch, Rashed & Papadopoulos, and Nikfahm-Khubravan & Eshera, see: Elaheh Kheirandish, The Arabic Version of Euclid’s Optics, 2 vols, New York: Springer, 1999, esp. p.
Bibl.: KrauseMax Krause, ‘Stambuler Handschriften islamischer Mathematiker’, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, Abteilung B: Studien 3 (1936), pp. 437–532, pp. 440, 441, 443–444, 454–455, 457, 466, 473, 479, 490, and 521; Thomas J. Martin, The Arabic Translation of Theodosius’s Sphaerica, PhD dissertation, University of St. Andrews, 1975, esp. pp.
\199v\ = Abū l-Ḥasan al-Nasawī, al-Ishbāʿ fī sharḥ al-shakl al-qaṭṭāʿ (C.1.12)
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