Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

London, British Library, IO Islamic 1148

[Colour scanned images of the textblock and covers.]
Collection of three main works and three appendices: Arabic and Persian.  Date:

first work completed on 6 Muḥarram 722/25 January 1322 (62r, colophon).


first work copied in Soltaniyeh (Zanjan); works on ff. 1v–67v copied by Ḥamza b. ʿAlī b. Ḥamza al-Qazwīnī al-Bayhaqī, known as Saʿd al-Khurāsānī, from a copy made from an autograph (62r).


seal of ʿInāyat Khān from during the rule of Shāh Jahān (1r); seal of Fāḍil Khān dated 1059/1649 during the rule of Shāh Jahān (1r). Statements of ownership in Delhi dated 1062/1651-2 and 1069/1658-9. A seal that reads laṭafa Allāh bi-ʿibādi-hi (106r). Additional seals of Shāh Isḥāq (?), one dated 1067/1656-7 (68r). MS Mashhad, Āstān-i Quds, 5453 was copied directly or indirectly from this manuscript.

Cod.: paper, I+135+IVa ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; various irregular earlier foliations with Hindu-Arabic numerals from before the rebinding; catchwords). Two main hands: a black naskh hand (1v–67v), carefully written on ff. 1v–63r but smaller and faster on ff. 63v–67v; and a black and red naskh hand, occasionally cursive (68v–135v). Almost fully undotted ductus; no vowels, shaddas or hamzas. Overlined Hindu-Arabic numerals and abjad notation occasionally in red. Book headings in black thuluth in the first work; chapter headings in red numerated with abjad notation in bold black in the first work; chapter headings in bold black in the fifth work; words introducing new sections or paragraphs rubricated in red in the first work. Substantial diagrams and tables; diagrams in black with geometrical points in red or in red with points in black; tables in black and red. Codex in acceptable condition; substantially worm-eaten; some hand oils particularly in the last work; some restorations; the entire manuscript rebound with guards. Dimensions: 235×160 mm, written area on ff. 1v–63r: 180×115 mm, on ff. 63v–67v: 215×130 mm, on ff. 68v–135v: 180×132 mm; lines per page: ff. 1v–63r: 32, 63v–67v: approximately 60, 68v–135v: 33. Covers in blue over pasteboards; half-bound. Type III binding.

Cont.: astronomy and mathematics. — Index: Ptolemaica (1v–62r); Ptolemaica (62v); Ptolemaica (62v); Ptolemaica (63r); Menelaus of Alexandria, Fī l-ashkāl al-kuriyya (63v–67r); Zīj of Ulugh Beg (68r–135r). Blank: all flyleaves (with the exception of some librarian’s notes).

Bibl.: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, London: Stephen Austin and Sons, 1877, pp. 215–216 (no. 741); Paul Kunitzsch, Claudius Ptolemäus. Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, 3 vols, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986–1991, vol. III, p. 8; LAMTMª José Parra, ‘A List of Arabic Manuscripts of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī’, Suhayl 16–17 (2018–2019), pp. 251–322, pp. 273–274 (no. 47) and 312. — British Library Archives and Manuscripts:; Qatar Digital Library:


\1v\ أحمد الله مبداء كلّ مبداء وغاية كلّ غاية ومفيض كلّ خير ووليّ كلّ هداية. وأرجو حسن توفيقه في كلّ بداية ونهاية — \62r\ فلنختم الكتاب وأقول: وإذ وفّقني الله تعالى لإتمام ما قصدته وإنجاز ما وعدته، فلأقطع الكلام حامدًا له على آلائه ومصلّيًا على جميع أوليائه، خصوصًا على خاتم أنبيائه، والبررة من آله وأحبّائه.

= Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.18)

. — Title: Majisṭī (1r). — Index: preface, 1v; Book I, 1v–8v; II, 8v–14v; III, 14v–19r; IV, 19r–24r; V, 24r–30r; VI, 30v–31r; VII, 31r–38r; VIII, 38r–42v; IX, 42v–50r; X, 50r–52r; XI, 52r–56r; XII, 56r–58r; XIII, 58v–62r. — Authorial and scribal colophons. Collated in Muḥarram 723/January-February 1323, in the madrasa Rashīdiyya in Soltaniyeh (62r). Marginal corrections and collations. Substantial glosses, most of which by the main scribe.


\62v\ [title] ا كوكب الرأس وب كوكب الزحل وفي المجسطي لأوّل سنة من ملك أنطونينس طول ا  و م وعرضه ز ك — فخرج الطول زائدا على ما أخذ بطلميوس بسبع وعشرين دقيقة والعرض زائدا على ما أخذه بخمس وعشرين دقيقة. فعرفنا أنه قد تساهل فيه على التقريب دون التحقيق. والله أعلم بالحقيقة.

= Fī Shakl al-zuhara fī l-faṣl al-thānī min al-maqāla al-ʿāshira min al-Majisṭī (C.1.18c)

. — Title: Fī Tashakkul al-zuhara fī l-faṣl al-thānī min al-maqāla al-ʿāshira min al-Majisṭī (62v). — One diagram. No glosses; only minor corrections in the margin.


\62v\ نريد أن نثبت اختلافات وقوع الخطوط في الأشكال التي تعرف منها أوضاع مراكز عطارد في مسيراتها — وتكون الأشكال بحسب مسير المركز بالحركة الوسطى مبتديا من الأوج إلى التوالي هكذا. [4 diagrams]

= 〈Risāla fī Ikhtilāfāt wuqūʿ al-khuṭūṭ fī l-ashkāl〉 (C.1.18a)

. — Title: none. — Incomplete due to one or two missing folios; sixteen of the twenty diagrams of this work and the three final tables are missing. No marginal corrections, collations or glosses.


\63r\ || ثم نخرج ز د عمودًا على ا ب ونصل د ط ح د فأقول زاوية ط ك د أكثر من كل واحد منهما وذلك لأن زاويتي ط ه ح ه ح ج مسادلتين متساويتين — فقد تبيّن بالاستقراء ولم يلج لي طريق برهانيّ بعد إلى ذلك. والله الموفق.

= Muqaddima nāfiʿa fī maʿrifat al-ikhtilāfāt (C.1.18b)

. — Acephalous due to one or two missing folios. No marginal corrections, collations or glosses.