Istanbul, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Yeni Cami 798
finished in the middle of Dhū l-qaʿda 854/December 1450 (colophon, 146v).
Or.:copied by Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Yamīnī al-Muḥarrir at the Birr al-Shanb al-Sulṭānī al-Ghāzānī complex near Tabriz (colophon, 146v).
Prov.:a note by ʿAbd al-Raḥman b. ʿAlī b. al-Muʾayyad of Qusṭanṭīniyya dated to a Sunday in the middle of Muḥarram 909/July 1503 (1r); he was also the owner of several other Ptolemaic manuscripts, e.g., Oxford, Bodleian, Thurston 3. Undated statement of ownership by Shaykh Muḥammad b. Luṭf Allah (1r), who also owned MS Istanbul, Süleymaniye, Yeni Cami 800. An anonymous and undated note quoting a popular saying about ownership and an erased note or title (1r). Round seals of endowment of Sultan Ahmet III (r. 1703–1730) (1v, 146v), next to a signature dated 1137/1724-5 which is commonly found in manuscripts of his endowment.
Cod.: paper, 146+Ia ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil in the upper left part of every fifth recto and on f. 146r; five small unfoliated sheets in the hand of the scribe inserted after ff. 34, 73, 75 (empty), 134, and 144; catchwords, occasionally trimmed). A single nastaʿlīq hand. Almost fully dotted ductus; some vowel marks, rare shaddas, no hamzas. Book titles in red and bold thuluth; chapter titles in red, introduced by black abjad numerals; chapter numbers additionally indicated with red abjad numerals in the form ‘〈bāb〉 3 min 〈maqāla〉 2’in the margins. Abjad numerals in the text in red, overlined in red, or both; Hindu-Arabic numerals (Persian variants) in red; qāla/aqūlu overlined in red. Carefully drawn diagrams; diagram lines in red with geometrical points in black or vice versa. Table lines in red; some headings of tables in red or black bold thuluth; some tables incomplete (109r–v, 130r, 131r) or empty (130v). Red rule-borders around the main text and some marginalia. Codex in good condition; some water damage, mostly in the upper margins; little worm damage; some large stains (121r, 125v) and few smudges; traces of a flap on ff. 1r–7r; two marginal annotations (67v, 68v) were folded in when the manuscript was trimmed. Dimensions: 275×170 mm, written area: 190×100 mm; 21 lines per page. Binding not assessable.
Cont.: astronomy. — Index: Ptolemaica (1v–146v); a hāshiya on the origin (aṣl) of the epicycle (34bisv); an additional calculation (73bisv); a fāʾida on the determination of the differences (al-tafāwut) between Mars, Venus, and Mercury (134bisr); a fāʾida on Mercury (144bisr). Blank: 34bisr, 73bisr, 75bisr–v, 134bisv, 144bisv, Iar.
Bibl.: Yeni Cami Kütüphanesinde mahfūz kütüb-i mevcudenin defteridir, Istanbul: Matbaa-i Osmaniye, 1882–1883 (1300 H.), p. 42 (erroneously identified as al-Nīsābūrī’s Tafsīr Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī, C.1.38); KrauseMax Krause, ‘Stambuler Handschriften islamischer Mathematiker’, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, Abteilung B: Studien 3 (1936), pp. 437–532, p. 504; ParraMª José Parra, ‘A List of Arabic Manuscripts of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī’, Suhayl 16–17 (2018–2019), pp. 251–322, p. 271. —
\1v\ أحمد اللّه مبدأ كلّ مبدأ وغاية كلّ غاية ومفيض كلّ خير وولي كلّ هداية وأرجو حسن توفيقه في كلّ بداية ونهاية — \146v\ فلنختم الكتاب وأقول وإذ وفّقني الله تعالى أيضًا لإتمام ما قصدته إيجاز ما وعدته فلأقطع الكلام حامدًا له على الآية ومصلّيًا على جميع أوليائه خصوصًا على خاتم أنبيائه والبررة من آله وأحبّائه. = Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.18)
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