[Trimmed colour scanned images of the textblock and covers.]
Collection of 16 works: Arabic.
undated, 13th/19th c. (ʿArshī).
unknown; unknown scribe.
a rectangular seal by a certain Mūsawī dated 1265/1848-9 bearing the formula ẓafira Mahdī (p. 1). An unidentified stamp also found in MS Rampur, Raza, Arabic 4188, ff. 1r and 94v (pp. I, 1, 312). Old shelfmark ‘3227’ (pp. I, 1). Received by the Raza Library on 16 May 1912 (p. I); accession number 3447 (pp. I, 1).
Cod.: thin paper, II+312 pp. (paginated with Hindu-Arabic numerals in pencil at the centre top; no catchwords). A single clear naskh hand with nastaʿlīq influence; mostly dotted ductus with hamzas, some shaddas and vowels. Red ink for titles, chapter headings, and some formulaic expressions, including ‘kalima’ with Hindu-Arabic verbum number in black above in the Ptolemaic work. Text framed in gold, red and blue (except pp. 311–312); headpieces for every treatise, completed only on pp. 2 and 19 with floresque ornaments in various colours. Codex in good condition; damage by insects repaired with brown tape, some stains caused by moisture and possibly fire. Dimensions: 19.2×13.5 cm; 11 lines per page. Rebound in modern red fabric binding, title majmūʿat al-rasāʾil on the spine. Type III binding.
Cont.: philosophy, meteorology, mysticism and astrology. — Index: table of contents, not mentioning the Ptolemaic work (p. I); a collection of works of Greek or pseudo-Greek origin (numbers referring to Daiber’s inventory); Pseudo-Aristotle, Mukhtaṣar Kitāb al-Nafs (pp. 2–17, no. 27); Alexander of Aphrodisias, Maqāla fī l-ʿAql ʿalā raʾy Arisṭāṭālīs (pp. 19–27, no. 28); Alexander of Aphrodisias, Maqāla fī l-Qawl fī Mabādiʾ al-kull ʿalā raʾy Arisṭāṭālīs (pp. 29–51, no. 30); Pseudo-Aristotle, Kalām fī l-ruʾyā (no. 42), with some verses by Abū l-Fatḥ ʿAlī b. Muḥammad al-Bustī (pp. 53–58); Pseudo-Aristotle, Masāʾil ṭabīʿiyya (pp. 59–78, no. 9); Pseudo-Aristotle, Risāla fī l-Ādāb (no. 5), with some verses by al-Bustī (pp. 79–87); Pseudo-Aristotle, Mukhtaṣar al-Qawl fī l-Nafs (pp. 89–96, no. 7); Pseudo-Polemon, Maqāla fī l-Ṭabāʾiʿ (pp. 97–119, no. 8 bis); Theophrastus, al-Qawl fī l-Āthār al-ʿulwiyya (pp. 121–153, no. 3; see GAS VIIFuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Vol. VII: Astrologie – Meteorologie und Verwandtes bis ca. 430 H., Leiden: Brill, 1979, pp. 216–223, and Fuat Sezgin, ‘Kitāb al-Āthār al-ʿulwiyya li-Thāwufirasṭus’, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 1 (1984), Arabic pp. 1–49, with facsimile); (Pseudo?‑)Thābit b. Qurra, Masāʾil jamaʿa-hā min Arisṭāṭālīs wa-ghayri-hi (pp. 155–180, no. 4); Shahāb al-Dīn Suhrawardī, Risāla fī waṣf al-ʿuqūl (pp. 181–190); min Wāridāt al-ʿārif Bābā Ṭāhir ʿUryān Hamadān (pp. 192–213); Pseudo-Aristotle, al-Asʾila wa-l-ajwiba (pp. 215–225, no. 64); Pseudo-Aristotle, Kitāb al-Zabarjad wa-l-yāqūt (pp. 227–273, no. 65); a short note by a different hand (p. 274); Pseudo-Plato, Risāla fī l-radd ʿalā man qāla inna l-insān idhā māta fāta (pp. 275–281, no. 127); Ptolemaica (pp. 281–312). Blank: pp. 1, 18, 28, 52, 88, 120, 154, 191, 214, 226, and presumably p. II (not included in the scans).
Bibl.: Imtiyāz ʿAlī ʿArshī, Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in Raza Library, Rampur, Vol. V: Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Science, Agriculture, Occult Sciences, Ethics & Politics, Education & Military Science, Rampur: Raza Library, 1975, pp. 478/9 (no. 2906); Hans Daiber, ‘New Manuscript Findings from Indian Libraries’, Manuscripts of the Middle East 1 (1986), pp. 26–48.
pp. 281–312
\p. 281\ مطلع كتاب الثمرة لبطلميوس الحكيم تمام الكتب الأربعة التي ألّفها في الأحكام لسورس تلميذه. قال بطلميوس قد قدّمنا لك يا سورس كتبًا فيما يؤثّره الكواكب في علم التركيب — \p. 312\ فإن الخارجيّ من حضرة ذلك الإقليم.
, version with 102 verba. — Title: Kitāb al-Thamara li-Baṭlamyūs al-ḥakīm tamām al-Kutub al-Arbaʿa allatī allafa-hā fī l-aḥkām li-Sūrus talmīdhi-hi. — Index: introduction, p. 281; 101 verba, pp. 281–312. — Short scribal colophon. Very few marginal and interlinear corrections, one introduced by fī nuskha. Very few marginal notes in Persian in a different hand. Verba 95–96–97 (here: 97–98–99) copied in the sequence 95–97–96, then numbered as to yield the sequence 97–95–96, as in al-Ṭūsī’s commentary (C.3.4). Verba 99–100 subsumed under a single verbum 101.