Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.1.30

〈مقدّمات تتعلّق بحركات الكواكب لمحيّ الدين المغربي〉
〈Muqaddimāt tataʿalliqu bi-ḥarakāt al-kawākib li-Muḥyī l-Dīn al-Maghribī〉

A reorganised and partially reformulated version of a collection of geometrical propositions by Muḥyī l-Dīn al-Maghribī (C.1.22); the above title and Muḥyī l-Dīn’s authorship are only indicated in the two surviving manuscripts of the original work.

In this reworked version, Part B of the original is followed by Part A, with Part C missing entirely. In MS Oxford, Bodleian, Thurston 3 and its copy MS Oxford, Bodleian, Marsh 720, Parts B and A are separated by a couple of small other works, one of these an abridged version of al-ʿUrḍī’s commentary on Proposition 4 in Book IX of the Almagest (C.1.29). It thus appears that the compiler of MS Thurston 3 rearranged chapters from several treatises by topic. Furthermore, some propositions from the original version were omitted in MSS Istanbul, Topkapı, Hazine 455 and/or Thurston 3/Marsh 720, while other propositions that are included in Hazine 455 or Thurston 3/Marsh 720 are not found in the two witnesses of the original version (e.g., two propositions that begin as follows: Muqaddima. Idhā kānat la-nā nisbatun aʿẓam min nisba maʿlūma, and Muqaddima. Kull khaṭṭayn mustaqīmayn mutasāwiyayn ka-AB BJ yuḥīṭāni bi-zāwiya ghayr qāʾima).

Most importantly, however, the texts in the two versions do not correspond to each other word by word. Rather, one may observe—as in other cases in the manuscripts Hazine 455 and Thurston 3/Marsh 720—that the text of this second version was heavily abridged, probably by Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī, whose circle produced Thurston 3.

Text: [Istanbul, Topkapı, Hazine 455]

[Part B] (120r–127r) مقدّمة تتعلّق بالشكل الثالث من الجملة السادس من المقالة التايعة من المجسطي. لتكن دائرة ابجد على مركز ه وقطر اهج وعلّمت على نقطة غير المركز ح زاويتان متساويتان — أعني حركة المركز إلى حركة الكوكب فيرى وافقًا عند س. وهو المراد. [Part A] (127r–129v) مقدّمة. ليكن ابجدهز على قطر از ومركز ح فصّلت منها اب بج جد ده هل متساوية. — فيبقي س أعظم من ع وذلك ما أردنا أن نبيّن. قد تمّ.

Bibl.: GAS VIFuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Vol. VI: Astronomie bis ca. 430 H., Leiden: Brill, 1978, p. 94 (no. 31) and p. 292 (Nachtrag zu S. 94).

Ed.: None.