Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.3.2

Glosa super 60 propositionem Centilogii Ptholomei

A commentary on v. 60 of the Centiloquium, on the critical days and periodicities of illnesses. The text is anonymous in the manuscripts, except in three instances where it is attributed to one ‘Hispalensis’ (London, BL, Harley 13), to ‘Linconensis’, i.e., Robert Grosseteste (Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1116), and to a Dominican brother named John of Pisa (according to the title given to an Italian translation of the text in MS Florence, BNC, Magliabech. XI.124, s. XV, f. 71v-74r: ‘Postile de frate Giovanni Pisense de lordine de frati predicatori sopra el sexto verbo del Centiloquio di Ptholomeo Pheludense, traducto de Latino in vulgare per messere Bonaventura de Iacopo Giliuoli da Ferrara…’). The earliest manuscript is London, BL, Harley 13, copied c. 1300, but the text already circulated in the 1260s/1270s in Paris, for it is referred to by Peter of Limoges and Henry Bate of Mechelen (see Steel/Vanden Broecke) and it was apparently part of Peter of Limoges’s Liber magnus iudiciorum (see MS Paris, BnF, lat. 7320). The opening word ‘Albaharim’ shows that the source text was Plato of Tivoli’s translation (C.3.1.1), even though, as Panti pointed out (‘La Sententia’, 91), in one manuscript (Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1116), this word has been replaced by ‘Crises verius significatio sunt hore etc.’, which corresponds to the opening words in the ‘Mundanorum’ version (C.3.1.3). The other quotations of the Centiloquium in the text are from Plato’s translation. All manuscripts offer basically the same text, the main exception being that two of them have a hexadecagonal diagram entitled ‘Circulus 16 angulorum’, either within the text (Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1116, f. 126v) or immediately after it (Berlin, SBPK, lat. fol. 192 (963), f. 81r, among a set of three diagrams f. 80v-81v). On this diagram, see Note below.

Note The hexadecagonal diagram ‘Circulus 16 angulorum’, together with instructions for its use (inc. ‘Circulus 16 angulorum describit dies creticos…’), is also found in MS Berlin, SBPK, lat. fol. 646 (Boncompagni 306), s. XV, f. 19v-21v (see), as well as in the non-Ptolemaic MSS Munich, BSB, Clm 244, s. XIV, f. 140v and 146r; and Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Astr. 4, s. XV, f. 140v-141r. The instructions also occur in MS Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1116, immediately before the Glosa (f. 125v). These instructions have been edited by Dell’Anna, II, 202-205 (from the Vatican and Munich MSS). Similar diagrams occur in other commentaries on v. 60 (C.3.3, C.3.21 and C.3.22), as well as in MS Vienna, ÖNB, 10534, f. 61r, at the end of George of Trebizond’s Commentarii et expositiones in aphorismis Libri fructus Ptolomei (C.3.11).

Text ‘(London, BL, Harley 13) Incipit glosa Hispalensis super 60 propositionem Centilogii Ptholomei que incipit sic: Albaharim etc. In oppositione [read propositione] ista Ptholomeus tria tangit. Primum est de occasione dierum creticorum, secundum de diebus indicativis crisis — de cronica et acuta ut de magna causa et brevi.’

Bibl. G. Dell’Anna, Dies critici. La teoria della ciclicità delle patologie nel XIV secolo, Galatina, 1999, 2 vols, I, 343-346 and 388-389 n. 554-566; C. Panti, ‘La Sententia Linconensis de diebus creticis: un adattamento grossatestiano (?) della Glossa Hispalensis super 60 propositionem Centilogii’, in Edizioni, traduzioni e tradizioni filosofiche (secoli XII–XVI). Studi per Pietro B. Rossi, eds L. Bianchi, O. Grassi, C. Panti, Canterano, 2018, I, 83-102; C. Steel, S. Vanden Broecke, D. Juste, S. Sela, The Astrological Autobiography of a Medieval Philosopher. Henry Bate’s Nativitas (1280-81), Leuven, 2018, 71 and n. 202-203.

Modern ed. Dell’Anna, II, 128-131 (from MS Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1116); Panti, 94-102 (from MS Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1116, with selected variant readings from London, BL, Harley 13 and Vatican, BAV, Reg. lat. 1452). Both editions include a reproduction of the diagram and a transcription of its content.