Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Ptolemy, De planetarum hypothesibus liber (tr. John Bainbridge)

London, Guilielmus Jones, 1620 · 9


versio, et continebit unum unam, hoc est tempora 360, et tantum praeterea aequinoctialis, quantum zodiaci Sol in nycthemero peregrat, aequabilibus suppositis motibus.

3. De simplicibus planetarum periodis

His sic conceptis, deinceps ad ipsas planetarum hypotheses accedemus primumque simplices, et immixtas eorum exponemus periodos, ex quibus particulares et compositae constant, a nobis hic sumptas quam proximas restitutionibus ex nostra emendatione collectis.

Quare in annis Aegyptiacis 300 et nycthemeris 74 Sol ponatur confi